Sunday, January 16, 2011

Wind Energy Disadvantages

People have known about the many wind energy advantages for centuries. The first windmills were build for the sole purpose of utilizing the energy of the wind. When the industrial revolution took off, however, other types of energy took center stage. Fossil fuels became a cheaper and more practical source of energy. Today, we are set to run out of fossil fuels soon and people are becoming more interested in wind technology again and how to build wind turbine technology. To help anybody who is considering to use wind technology in their homes we put together a list of wind energy advantages. But, in the interest of completeness we will also talk about some of the wind energy disadvantages.

For some more really great insider information on how to build wind turbines see How to Build Wind Turbine

Let's start our list of wind energy advantages with the fact that wind is a renewable resource that is also freely accessible. The next benefit is just as important: No harmful gases, e.g. sulphur dioxide, are being produced during the production of wind based energy. Therefore, health costs could be reduced. Furthermore, wind energy does not cause acid rain or other environmental problems.

Some wind energy advantages are so fundamental that our economy is even influenced by them. The expenses to keep wind technology running are very low (which is of importance for people who want to build wind turbine technology for  home). Furthermore, the government is helping to grow and develop the wind industry. This, of course, has a positive influence on our national economy. More businesses open up and more people can find jobs. Apart from economical or financial considerations, however, it is rewarding to know that working in the wind industry can help to make our environment greener.

Next to these benefits we will now discuss some wind energy disadvantages that you should know about, especially if you want to build wind turbine technology by yourself.

For more great  in-depth information and advice on wind energy disadvantages and advantages and practical tips and tricks regarding wind energy see Disadvantages of Wind Energy

Let's start with the biggest of all wind energy disadvantages: noise emission. By that we don't mean small individual wind turbines but large farms of massive turbines. It is amazing how noisy these wind farms are. Such large wind farms are also often seen as dangerous for wildlife especially birds. Another drawback of large wind farms is that they require massive amounts of free land which is usually quite rare close to highly populated areas. Finally, many people don't want to live near wind farms as they are considered to be ugly.

While these disadvantages of wind energy mainly relate to wind farms there are a couple of drawbacks of a more general nature. Firstly, wind does not always blow with the same strength. It can blow strongly at one moment and then not at all a moment later. While wind comes and goes our need for electricity stays. Secondly, wind technology requires considerable upfront investments, special governmental licenses etc. However, you do not incur these high investments if you decide to build wind turbine technology yourself.

Luckily, these disadvantages of wind energy can easily be overcome with time. With time wind energy technology will dramatically improve in efficiency and price and wind energy advantages will outweigh the negatives. This trend will certainly increase the attractiveness of wind energy as a way to power your house and many home owners might consider to build wind turbine technology by themselves.

I hope you found this essay helpful and informative. If you are looking for some more awesome insider information on all the advantages of solar energy  see Advantages of Wind Energy

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