Sunday, January 16, 2011

Build Wind Turbine

There are a number of reasons why alternative wind energy could become an important energy source in the future.

Oil prices are rising all the time. Fossil fuels might not be available to us for much longer. It is also clear to us now that burning fossil fuels releases too many harmful gases into the atmosphere. We can even see massive changes in our climate today. Using coal instead of oil is certainly also no viable alternative. We need to develop clean ways to generate our electricity, e.g. using renewable wind energy.

To solve our energy problem most nations worldwide need to work hand in hand. The amount of fossil fuels burned or consumed by each country is certainly different. Economically more advanced countries have already implemented more renewable energy technology. Countries like India and China, that are still in a developmental phase need to take more actions as their countries are contributing a significant amount to the overall problem.

We need to take action to stop our planet from becoming more polluted. Instead, we must cooperate and quickly implement cleaner energy technology and sources. Our experience so far suggests that renewable wind energy as well as solar power could be 2 viable alternatives. These types of energy can all be used to generate electricity in an environmentally friendly way and at a global scale.

To benefit from these green energy sources certain requirements must be fulfilled. Renewable wind energy, for example, requires the occurrence of wind, hopefully strong and frequent winds. Germany and Denmark have already got some years of experience in using alternative wind energy. Countries with a large shoreline are more suitable for the building of large wind farms.

While winds are strong near the coastline they are even stronger offshore. Experts suggest to build wind turbine farms there. More wind means more energy. However, building a wind farm offshore is rather difficult. Each turbine needs to be installed from the bottom of the sea upwards to the surface. This makes each turbine much more expensive. The extra costs might be compensated for by the higher amount of energy than can be generated.

We can expect the efficiency of wind energy technology to further increase in the future. With every decrease in production costs the interest in alternative wind energy increases. Sven Sigaard, president and CEO of Vestas Wind Systems (Denmark) believes that once it is possible to build wind turbine farms close enough to the shore line and with technology that is efficient enough the kilowatt/hour price can compete with other forms of energy.

In Denmark windmills have been used for centuries to provide electricity for the Danish industry. Based on this background, Mr. Sigaard's opinion is certainly worth noticing.

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