Sunday, January 16, 2011

Renewable Energy Sources

Why is renewable energy technology in every newspaper and magazine? Why is the search on for new sources of renewable energy? Many aspects of our daily lives are changing. Change is usually not welcomed and it forces us humans to take action. The change we talk about here relates to the way in which we produce and use energy. Our century long consumption of fossil fuel based energy has caused severe health and environmental damage and can no longer be sustained. We need to move quickly from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources.

For a long time nuclear technology was considered the way out of the energy crisis. They spent their budgets on building plants and developing infrastructure. It is evident by now, however, that nuclear power is not a viable option. Other sources of renewable energy need to be found.

Today, renewable energy technology has evolved and a number of different options have emerged that promise us greener and cleaner power. Solar, wind, water and geothermal energy are probably the best known ones. These renewable energy sources need to be explored further before they can become a viable alternative to fossil fuel based energy. However, it is not possible for just one nation to solve the energy problem. Therefore, we need an international solution to implementing sources of renewable energy.

In the US the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), a faculty of the US Department of Energy (DOE) is conducting research and development in a number of different areas all related to renewable energy technology.

But it's not just the public sector anymore, private investors are also lining up to get in on the action called renewable energy sources. There is a worldwide growing demand for this new energy technology. What was once a minority issue has now become mainstream..

But for things to really change we all need to cooperate. Electricity based on sources of renewable energy can only become a viable option if we all participate. You can find numerous renewable energy technology at your local energy store. Solar powered outdoor lighting is a good example because it already contains its' own solar technology. You could change your hot water system from gas or electric to a solar powered one. If you need help speak to your local energy company for ways in which you can benefit from renewable energy sources.

We need to understand that this is our only option. Soon, we will have consumed all the fossil fuels that we can harness. Our environmental situation is becoming more serious every day.
Of course, we cannot live or function without energy. But what good does this energy do if we don't have air to breathe or food to eat. The answer lies with renewable energy sources.

To benefit from these sources of renewable energy we need to develop and implement renewable energy technology. Let's cooperate! After all there is strength in numbers.

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