Sunday, January 16, 2011

Renewable Energy Technology

Why is there so much buzz about renewable energy technology? Why is everybody searching for sources of renewable energy? This planet is undergoing massive changes. We need to react to this change. The change we talk about here relates to the way in which we produce and use energy. It is evident by now that we can no longer depend on an energy source that has already caused drastic harm to our health and nature. We need to find renewable energy sources.

For many years governments believed that nuclear power could provide the answer. Huge amounts of money have been and still are invested into this technology. However, we have seen by now that compared to fossil fuels nuclear power generates at least as many problems. We need to find other sources of renewable energy.

Renewable energy technology has come a long way in the last few years. We now can see various forms of clean and green energy. Solar energy uses the power of the sun while wind turbines generate electricity from wind. Each of these renewable energy sources has their own advantages and challenges. However, one country alone cannot provide the solution to our energy crisis. Therefore, we need an international solution to implementing sources of renewable energy.

In the US the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), a faculty of the US Department of Energy (DOE) is conducting research and development in a number of different areas all related to renewable energy technology.

Private money is also starting to flow into the sector of renewable energy technology. This technology may well become what computers and mobile phones were in the previous decade. What was once a minority issue has now become mainstream..

But for things to really change we all need to cooperate. It is actually surprisingly simple to harness these sources of renewable energy for our everyday activities. Many types of renewable energy technology are already on the market. You can start by implementing solar powered outdoor lighting. You could run some of your household appliances using solar energy. Renewable energy sources are free once you installed the necessary equipment.

We must accept that there is no other alternative. We have less and less fossil fuels available. The health of people and the environment have already been harmed massively.
Of course, our society cannot function without energy. But what good does this energy do if we don't have air to breathe or food to eat. To achieve both we have no other choice but to opt for renewable energy sources.

We need to develop renewable energy technology if we want to take advantage of these sources of renewable energy. If every single person adds their small flow we can end up with a very big stream.

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