Sunday, January 16, 2011

Green Renewable Energy

Producing electricity by burning fossil fuels has many negative side effects. Colossal quantities of catastrophic gasses are being disposed of into the air. Huge amounts of solid waste are being produced. These effects are extremely harmful to our health and our environment. Because of this damage more and more people have turned to  green renewable energy. The number of people who are recycling their waste is increasing constantly. Less plastic bags are being consumed and people look for renewable electricity.

Fossil fuel resources are limited by nature. The only way to solve our energy problem is to produce renewable electricity. Solar and wind power as well as marine and geothermal energy are seen as such renewable green energy sources. They are called green because they lack negative environmental or health side effects. Since they recharge themselves they are named green renewable energy sources.

Renewable green energy technologies based on solar and wind energy are currently the most developed. This might be because they are so generally available. Marine and geothermal technology is not yet ready to be used to generate renewable electricity. Eventually we have no other option but to move to green renewable energy. Fossil fuel based energy should be a thing of the past.

Solar energy is definitely the most popular type of renewable green energy. Many of us have probably heard of electronic calculators that use solar energy instead of a battery. The photovoltaic cells are providing the energy the calculator needs. Every cell uses the sunlight to produce electricity. Providing hot water at home is just one of many ways in which solar energy can be used. Scientists named this device a thermal or solar collector. The first person to apply for a patent for this gadget was Horace de Saussine. It is not unusual anymore, to see this technology on houses and garages. These proprietors are able to have their own home-made renewable green energy.

The usage of green renewable energy systems is already evident in many countries worldwide. When traveling to other countries like Japan and Israel you can experience first hand how households are benefiting from solar collectors. This technology can still be further developed in the United Sates. Many researchers are convinced that solar power offers the best possibilities.

Wind energy is the second most popular form of green renewable energy. In many different countries renewable electricity is generated by over 20,000 wind turbines. Provided that the wind is blowing consistently enough wind energy could easily become a major renewable green energy source. Wind based power also has the label green because they don't produce any disastrous vapors. Wind energy as a means to generate renewable electricity is no doubt growing faster than other types of energy generation. The United States are holding the top spot in this field with Europe a close second.

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