Sunday, January 16, 2011

How To Build Solar Panel

Before we start talking about how to build solar panel I would like to point out the following fact. Water, wind and even live itself are all examples of our planet's dependence on the sun and its' energy. The sunlight is necessary for plants to grow and the warmth is necessary to have liquid water. In other words, the energy that the sun provides is absolutely vital for us. So, why don't we make more usage of this free solar energy in our daily lives, for example, as residential solar power?

Most of the appliances that we use in our homes on a daily basis are powered with electricity that is generated by burning fossil fuels. By now it is visible to everyone that consuming fossil fuels is more than harmful to the health of us and our planet as a whole. So, what causes us to remain dependent on fossil fuels instead of changing to residential solar power?

One of the main reasons is the fact, that residential solar power technology, i.e. Most home owners cannot afford to buy the devices necessary to benefit from solar energy. Many home owners just cannot afford to buy a ready made solar system.. Furthermore, most people don't know how to make solar panel themselves. Residential solar power can be used in more ways than one to save on your electric charges.

In my daily live I am always teaching people how to make solar panel in a simple and cost-effective way so that everybody can start benefiting from solar energy without spending a fortune. The vast majority of people find it easier to build their own solar panel after they have learned about the basic principles first. In this guide we deal with photovoltaic technology and the process of how to build solar panel based on this principle. When you are able to build this simple solar cells you can start building solar cells that are capable of powering different appliances in your home.

There are different ways in which solar energy can be harnessed in a household. Solar collectors and photovoltaic cells are the number one choices of most home owners who want to benefit from solar energy.

Many people who want to learn how to build solar panel are not aware of the difference between these two types of solar technology. In this feature on how to make solar panel we will discuss photovoltaic cells.

Let's start with the materials that you need to make your own solar panel. To get started you need to have the following things ready:a copper sheet (about half a square foot), safety glasses, sheet metal shears, an electric drill with a wire brush or sand paper, a cooker (more than 1000 watts), tab water and 2 teaspoons of table salt.

Please note, that in this how to build solar panel tutorial we will focus on building a photovoltaic cell that works well enough to demonstrate the principle behind it.

First off, the copper sheet has to be cut into 2 sections that are large|big|ample|sizable|wide] enough to fit on on top of the cooker plate. Next, when you have cleaned your hands you have to wipe off any grease and fat from one piece of copper. Then utilize the wire brush or sandpaper to additionally clear away any remaining corrosion and any traces of of sulphide. Lay the cleaned and dried copper sheet on the top of the switched on electric stove (maximum setting) and leave it there until it becomes black. This could take a a few minutes and the electric stove could turn red hot during this process. As the black coating needs to change to be really rich once the copper has become black you have to keep on heating it for an additional 30 minutes. After this in order to let the copper cool off bit by bit leave it on the cooker after you have shut it down. Please note that in order to avoid the black oxide to keep stuck to the copper it is imperative for the copper to cool down at a slow pace.

Like any metal copper will shrink when it cools down – but at a different speed than oxide. Due to this shrinking speed difference a process begins during which the oxide starts to flake off, leaving just the copper. It is quite usual during this process to notice oxide pieces to be released several inches into the air. After approximately 20 minutes the copper should have cooled down and most of the oxide will have jumped off. Next turn on some tab water and carefully use your hands to clean the copper. Please note that copper sheets can get damaged easily when scrubbed too hard. Remove as many black spots as you can but only wash the copper very gently..
This was the first step in this how to build solar panel guide and you now have a copper plate coated with cuprous oxide. You are approaching then end of this introduction of how to make solar panel.

After you have finished cleaning the cuprous oxide coated copper plate take the empty plastic bottle and cut off the top so that you are left with a cylindrically shaped container. Bend the two pieces of copper (one treated and one untreated) slightly so that they fit into the container without touching each other. Afterwards, put the table salt (2 tablespoons) into some hot tab water. Now add the saltwater to the container until an inch of copper remains outside the water.

And there you have it: you have successfully completed the process of how to make solar panel and produced your very first own solar photovoltaic cell.

You can now move the cell into sunlight and electricity will automatically be generated.

Now that you have a working prototype you better understand the technology involved with photovoltaic cells and solar panels. At SolarPanelWindTurbine(dot)com you can find the ultimate guide on how to build solar panel for your home.Benefit from these unbelievable common sense directions to quickly and easily assemble solar panel at home and start saving money on electric charges.

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