Sunday, January 16, 2011

Renewable Green Energy

Producing electricity by burning fossil fuels has many negative side effects. Huge amounts of dangerous substances are being pumped into the air. Huge amounts of solid waste are being produced. Our health and our environment are suffering a lot because of these effects. Because of this damage more and more people have turned to  green renewable energy. Today, more and more people are willing to recycle their waste. Less plastic bags are being consumed and people look for renewable electricity.

Fossil fuel resources are limited by nature. The only way to solve our energy problem is to produce renewable electricity. Solar and wind power as well as marine and geothermal energy are seen as such renewable green energy sources. They are described as green to indicate that they are less harmful to our planet than fossil fuel based energy. People call them green renewable energy sources for their ability to restore themselves.

Renewable green energy technologies based on solar and wind energy are currently the most developed. Solar and wind energy can be found anywhere. Technology to produce renewable electricity with marine or geothermal power still need to be further developed. In the end there is no decision to be made: we must utilize green renewable energy. We must no longer consume energy that was generated using fossil fuels.

Solar energy is definitely the most popular type of renewable green energy. Nearly everyone has seen a solar calculator. The photovoltaic cells use the sunlight to produce the energy the calculator requires. When the sun shines on them these cells can produce electricity. Many home owners are already using solar power to satisfy their hot water requirements. This apparatus is usually classified as a thermal or solar collector. Originally, Horace de Saussine applied for a patent for this gadget. Just open your eyes and you will see many houses that already use this technology. This free renewable green energy gives the proprietors the opportunity to save money on their electricity bill.

The usage of green renewable energy systems is already evident in many countries worldwide. In countries such as Japan and Israel a large number of households is using solar collectors. In the United States this technology has not yet been fully developed. Many analysts believe that solar power will dominate the energy market in years to come.

Wind energy is the second most popular form of green renewable energy. Renewable electricity is being produced by more than 20,000 turbines worldwide. Countries with vast wind resources are in the best position to benefit from wind energy to produce their renewable green energy. Wind energy is also called green because it does not emit any green house gases. When looking at the speed with which renewable electricity technology develops wind energy is leading the way. The United States are the forerunners in this sector, Europe is runner-up.

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