Sunday, January 16, 2011

A Look At Solar Energy Advantages And Disadvantages Before You Learn How To Build Solar Panel

Solar energy is the topic of this report. We are interested in all the major solar energy advantages but we will also pay close attention to any disadvantages of solar energy. Only when you know both sides should you decide whether or not to learn how to build solar panel to power your home.

For another great article on building your own solar panel at home take a look at How to Build Solar Panel.

Using the power of the sun as a source of energy is not a new idea. But, during the last 11 decades the concept was just that: a concept. Instead, energy was produced using fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are a limited resource and stock levels are already low. Suddenly, solar energy is becoming more interesting again. Learning how to build solar panel suddenly is becoming a very popular topic.

If you are looking for an awesome free site on solar energy advantages and all sorts of other free solar energy information then see Solar Energy and its Advantages.

When comparing to fossil fuels solar energy advantages are very apparent. It took millions of years to create our fossil fuel reserves while solar energy is being replenished every day. Solar energy is also easily accessible for us. We only need to collect it and then we can start using it straight away.

Let's now look at some solar energy advantages that derive from the same principle. While during the consumption of fossil fuels harmful gases such as Sulphur Dioxide develop this is not the case with solar energy. Therefore, solar energy is being seen as a clean source of energy. This is a very important advantage considering the massive damage our century long burning of fossil fuels has caused to our health and this planet as a whole. The switch to such a clean form of energy could also very well lead to lower health costs.

Today, solar technology is already much more efficient than it was a couple of decades ago. Let's take silicon cells as an example. In 1982 their conversion efficiency was about 4%. Today, it is about 20%.

The government has designed tax incentives to encourage the implementation of solar technologies. Just think of the 2005 Energy Policy Act. Some countries even offer payments to households that feed self-produced energy into the grid.

In the next part we are going to talk about the disadvantages of solar energy.

We will focus on the major disadvantages of solar energy. Its' current efficiency rate is still too low to compete with fossil fuel based energy. Secondly, it is quite expensive to set up solar technology in the first place. However, you don't have to pay somebody else. You can simply learn how to build solar panel yourself an save a considerable amount of money. Solar energy, once harnessed during daytime needs to be able to be stored for consumption during night time.

Improved technology and higher demands will solves all of these disadvantages of solar energy. As solar technology advances further over time solar energy advantages will become accessible to all of us and many more people will seek to understand how to build solar panel by themselves.

I hope you found this essay helpful and informative. If you are looking for some more great information on the disadvantages of solar energy  check out Solar Energy Disadvantages

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