Sunday, January 16, 2011

Solar Energy Advantages

The purpose of this writing is to get a better understanding of solar power. While there are many solar energy advantages that are often talked about we intend to also deal with the biggest disadvantages of solar energy. Only when you know both sides should you decide whether or not to start learning how to build solar panel to power your home.

For another great article on building your own solar panel at home take a look at Click here.

Solar power has been used for hundreds of years. However, during the last 100 years it somehow got forgotten. The whole industrialization process relied on fossil fuels as the main source of energy. Fossil fuels are a limited resource and stock levels are already low. Suddenly, solar energy is becoming more interesting again. To take full advantage of solar energy many people have learned how to build solar panel and started to use this knowledge to provide power for their homes.

If you are looking for an awesome free site on solar energy advantages and all sorts of other free solar energy information then see Solar Energy Advantages.

When comparing to fossil fuels solar energy advantages are very apparent. While fossil fuel resources are limited, solar energy is a renewable energy source. In addition, it is an energy source that is freely available in abundance. We only need to collect it and then we can start using it straight away.

The next couple of solar energy advantages are based on the same fact. Solar energy is considered a clean form of energy because no harmful gases are being produced during the process of harnessing solar power. This is a very important advantage considering the massive damage our century long burning of fossil fuels has caused to our health and this planet as a whole. An elimination of harmful gas emissions would certainly be very beneficial to our health and thereby help to reduce health costs.

Solar technology today is much more efficient and affordable than it was a few years ago. Between 1982 and today the conversion efficiency of silicon cells, for example, has been improved from 4% to 20%.

Governments also try to help the solar industry by providing certain tax breaks. The Energy Policy Act of 2005 had that objective in mind. Some countries even offer payments to households that feed self-produced energy into the grid.

In the next part we are going to talk about the disadvantages of solar energy.

Here, we will only consider the biggest disadvantages of solar energy. The lack of efficient enough technology to satisfy all our energy needs is one of them. Solar energy technology is still quite expensive to set up. Luckily, you can save on these expenses because it is very easy to learn how to build solar panel yourself. Lastly, the question of solar energy storage needs to be solved so that energy is available at day and night time.

Luckily, these disadvantages of solar energy are only of a temporary nature. With time solar technology will improve and we will be able to fully enjoy all solar energy advantages and more people will learn how to build solar panel for themselves.

I hope you enjoyed this article. To find out more useful information about disadvantages of solar energy  take a look at Solar Energy – A look at Disadvantages

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