Sunday, January 16, 2011

Renewable Alternative Energy

The the number of people on this planet is growing rapidly. An increasing number of economies is being developed. The need for electricity is greatly influenced by both of these elements. Today most of this requirement for energy power is still satisfied with fossil fuels. Burning non-renewable sources of energy , nevertheless, damages our world and most importantly our well-being. That is why the search is on for alternative renewable energy sources. The burning of non-renewable energy sources has already influenced undesirable outcomessuch as global warming, smog and acid rain.

For many decades nuclear power was believed to be the answer to our energy problem. Nuclear Power, however, also has some inherent drawbacks coupled with it.

Renewable alternative energy forms are nowadays the number one choice to substitute our current dependency on fossil fuels and nuclear power. Solar wind and marine power are the three major types of renewable energy power.

Solar technology converts the power that is available in the sun light. Wind energy technology generates electricity with wind turbines. Marine power technology produces electrical power from the waves and tides. Today burning fossil fuels is still a main factor of our power generation processin spite of the many alternative renewable energy options that are already available.

It is the intention of this article to take a look at these reasons in relation to renewable alternative energy.

Any source of renewable energy power has the benefit that it recharges itself again continuously. Solar power, wind power and tidal movements are in a sense unlimited resources as they will be around for many thousands of years from now while fossil fuels are limited resources that soon will be exhausted.
The fact that the consumption of alternative renewable energy does not generate any unhealthy green house gases that pollute our air is a further benefit. This is the reason why renewable alternative energy is often called a green energy.

It is certainly favorable for us as a society to use freely available energy sources. Avoiding sources of energy that endanger our environment and our health, such as fossil fuels and nuclear power will also benefit us.

Massive amounts of energy are being produced by the sun daily. It is a sensible thing to do for our society to store this renewable energy power and convert it into forms of power that we can utilize. This nearly unlimited amount of free and available power is one of the main reasons why everybody are keen to use solar power in their homes. Energy from the sun has has been used in housing for many years, in the form of windows as a natural light source and to contribute to warming the houses.
The energy from the sun is nowadays also being used by an increasing number of people to provide the hot water for their homes. Technologies that use solar energy such as solar heaters for swimming pools and solar hot water systems are becoming increasingly popular.

When using wind power technology to generate electricity no green house gases are pumped into the air. All of our  country's energy requirements could be satisfied with wind power. Nevertheless, the development of wind power as an renewable energy power has been seen as a little bit slow over the last few decades. The process of pumping water and grinding grain using windmills has been around for centuries. In principle, wind power is a byproduct of solar energy. Due to the earth spinning different parts of our atmosphere are being heated up while other areas cool down again once the sun has moved away. Differences in atmospheric pressure are being caused by the existing differences in atmospheric temperatures. The result of these pressure differences in the atmosphere is wind. These days, wind industry is growing quickly as a new form of alternative renewable energy. The most often implemented wind technology, that is quite simplistic but powerful are wind turbines. An electricity generator is being connected to some rotor blades. The blades are spun by the wind and in turn rotate the generator. Power is then being created by the engine. Quite a few wind farms have already been erected all over the world to benefit from this source of renewable alternative energy. While several of these wind farms can be found on dry land additional research is being conducted to promote the advancement of offshore wind farms. Winds usually blow more frequent and strongeron the open sea and offshore wind farms could benefit from this. Very encouraging wind farms have been designed along the coastal borders of quite a few nationsover the last few years If the wind power industry continues to advance wind power could very well become one of the most important energy sources. Nonethelesswe need more advanced technologies if we want to fully satisfy each and every one of our current and future energy needs exclusively with alternative renewable energy.

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