Sunday, January 16, 2011

Renewable Electricity

Producing electricity by burning fossil fuels has many negative side effects. Gigantic piles of risky fumes are being discharged into the atmosphere. Huge amounts of solid waste are being produced. Those byproducts are destroying our health and our planet. Because of this damage more and more people have turned to  green renewable energy. Today, an increasing number of people is also recycling waste. Less plastic bags are being consumed and people look for renewable electricity.

Fossil fuel resources are limited by nature. Renewable electricity is the only tool we have to meet the current energy challenge. Solar and wind power as well as marine and geothermal energy are seen as such renewable green energy sources. They are described as green to indicate that they are less harmful to our planet than fossil fuel based energy. They are described as green renewable energy sources based on the fact that they renew themselves all the time.

Renewable green energy technologies based on solar and wind energy are currently the most developed. This follows from the fact that basically sun and wind energy can be harnessed in any country. As interesting as geothermal and marine energy are as a source for renewable electricity they definitely have to be developed much further before they can become a really viable alternative. However, if you think about it, green renewable energy is the only sustainable solution. We have to eliminate any further fossil fuel consumption.

Solar energy is definitely the most popular type of renewable green energy. Calculators that use daylight are a familiar occurrence to all of us. They generate their energy from photovoltaic cells. These cells convert the sunlight into electric current. These days, even hot water can be provided using solar energy. This technology is called solar collector or thermal collector. The first one to patent this solar device was Horace de Saussine. This technology has really taken off and you can see it on many houses. That way the owners can really save money using free renewable green energy.

The usage of green renewable energy systems is already evident in many countries worldwide. In countries such as Japan and Israel a large number of households is using solar collectors. This technology has the potential to be further developed in the United States. However, many scientists see solar power as the future.

Wind energy is the second most popular form of green renewable energy. Renewable electricity based on wind energy is being harnessed all over the world. Renewable green energy based on wind energy definitely has great potential for all those countries with vast wind resources. Electricity produced from wind also qualifies as green as the production is free of damaging gases. Wind energy is the type of renewable electricity generation that develops the fastest. The industry is being lead by the United States followed by Europe.

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