Sunday, January 16, 2011

Disadvantages Of Solar Energy

The main topic of this article is solar power. Our aim is to get a more complete picture by looking at solar energy advantages but also uncovering some of the disadvantages of solar energy. Anybody who intends to learn how to build solar panel should have the opportunity to inform themselves upfront.

For another great article on building your own solar panel at home see Instructions to Build Solar Panel.

The idea of using solar power has been around for hundreds of years. Since the beginning of the industrial revolution, however, the idea was left untouched. Everybody was relying on fossil fuels to satisfy their energy needs. Nowadays, we realize more and more that fossil fuel resources are limited and solar energy is seen as a possible alternative. Home owners want to learn how to build solar panel to help reduce their electricity bills.

For more great  in-depth information and advice on solar energy advantages and practical tips and tricks regarding solar energy take a look at Solar Energy Advantages.

Some of the solar energy advantages are easy to use when we compare solar energy to fossil fuel based energy. It took millions of years to create our fossil fuel reserves while solar energy is being replenished every day. Solar energy is also easily accessible for us. Solar energy is all around us. We don't need to look for it. It is already here.

Let's now look at some solar energy advantages that derive from the same principle. While during the consumption of fossil fuels harmful gases such as Sulphur Dioxide develop this is not the case with solar energy. Therefore, solar energy is being seen as a clean source of energy. This could lead to a massive reduction in gas emissions and in turn to less damage to our health and to the planet. In a world with solar power and without fossil fuels many health problems would probably be minimized (at least) and health costs would start to come down.

Over recent years the efficiency of solar technology has improved tremendously. In 1982, for example, the average silicon cell had a conversion efficiency of 4%. This rate has been improved to 20% now.

Governments are also supporting the installation of solar technologies by offering tax incentives. The Energy Policy Act of 2005 is one of many examples. There are countries that go even further and allow people to feed home-made energy into the grid. Against payment, of course.

Now that we looked at the benefits let's look at the disadvantages of solar energy.

The following are the most important disadvantages of solar energy. The lack of efficient enough technology to satisfy all our energy needs is one of them. Also, the initial installation of solar technology in your home is very expensive. It is actually very easy to learn how to build solar panel and then you can save money by doing it yourself. The last drawback is the fact that solar energy cannot yet be stored efficiently enough so that we can consume it even during night time.

Improved technology and higher demands will solves all of these disadvantages of solar energy. Given time and a further advancement of solar technology we might be able to take full advantage of all the solar energy advantages and more people will learn how to build solar panel by themselves.

I hope you enjoyed this article. To find out more useful information about disadvantages of solar energy  see Solar Energy Disadvantages

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