Sunday, January 16, 2011

Alternative Solar Energy

Governments use financial incentives to encourage certain types of behavior. They sanction other types of action. If you own a home you have probably experienced some kind of financial pressure. They want to save money by harnessing renewable solar energy. Therefore, they implement solar power home technology. However, alternative solar energy is not the only type of renewable energy. Wind, water and geothermal energy are also types of power.

Having said that, the solar power home is currently the most widely used alternative energy model. These buildings use solar thermal collectors and photovoltaic technology to take advantage of renewable solar energy.

The principle of solar thermal collectors is rather simple. To start with, they absorb alternative solar energy. This energy heats up the water inside the collectors. The hot water is then moved into storage until consumption. A lot of types of collectors have been developed using different materials. The main alternatives are flat plate water collectors and unglazed panels. That depends on the requirements for your solar power home system

Unglazed panels lack sufficient insulation. As a consequence they can only produce small amounts of energy. Many home owners use them for the swimming pool heating. With these unglazed panels the water temperature can be increased by a few degrees. Flat plate water collectors have an improved insulation. They can produce more renewable solar energy from the same input. The different glazing is the main factor influencing the insulation. That is why they are used as hot water supply in many homes.

Flat plate air collectors and evacuated tube collectors are examples of other less commonly used solar thermal collectors. We will not discuss them here. You will find more details in a number of different books written on this topic. They are easy to read and very helpful.

Photovoltaic cells are another technology that is often used to harness alternative solar energy in a solar power home. Check out your calculator. It is probably powered by photovoltaic cells. These cells use semiconductor technology to convert sunlight into electricity. This technology is developing very rapidly and the market is growing quickly. It converts solar energy well enough to power your toaster or your blow dryer. You could even satisfy your heating requirements. Photovoltaic cells are very proficient. Using this technology in addition to other types of technology, e.g. wind energy technology we can achieve a significant shift away from fossil fuels.

The next challenge that any solar power home has to overcome is the storage of energy. We need to be able to use renewable solar energy even at times without direct sun light. The challenge is to store alternative solar energy during the daytime. Storage would increase the accessibility of solar energy. Once we have solved this problem solar energy is a viable alternative to fossil fuels. This independence is necessary if we want to preserve our environment.

Today, an array of technology is already available. Most houses can be upgraded into solar power home with only very little effort. The technology to harness alternative solar energy is build from everyday materials. The process of putting the materials together can easily be done at home. Alternatively, you could design your next home with renewable solar energy as a main power source. This can not only assist us in creating a better world. It will also increase the value of your home and save you money on your electricity bill.

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