Sunday, January 16, 2011

Wind Energy Advantages

In the past using wind as a power source was known as one of many wind energy advantages. Windmills were used for many different purposes from graining corn to pumping water and even producing electricity. But, with the industrial revolution came new more popular power sources. Fossil fuels were a more convenient form of energy. Today, we are set to run out of fossil fuels soon and people are becoming more interested in wind technology again and how to build wind turbine machines. In this context we will look at wind energy advantages and their impact on our daily lives. But, in the interest of completeness we will also talk about some of the wind energy disadvantages.
For some top notch tips and tricks on building your wind turbine at home take a look at Instructions to Build Wind Turbines

Let's start our list of wind energy advantages with the fact that wind is a renewable resource that is also freely accessible. Wind is also a “gas-free” energy source, i.e. energy that does not involve the production or release of harmful gases into the atmosphere, such as sulphur dioxide when burning fossil fuels. This could have an overall positive effect on health costs. Furthermore, wind energy does not cause acid rain or other environmental problems.

Some wind energy advantages are so fundamental that our economy is even influenced by them. The expenses to keep wind technology running are very low (which is important for people who want to build wind turbine technology the diy way). Governments are spending to further the development of this industry. This has a positive effect on the overall economy. More businesses open up and more people can find jobs. By working in this industry, however, people also have the satisfaction of knowing that they contribute to a cleaner environment.

Naturally, everything has got two different sides to it. Therefore, we will now look at some wind energy disadvantages that you should also know before you start to build wind turbine technology yourself.

For more great  in-depth information and advice on wind energy disadvantages and advantages and practical tips and tricks regarding wind energy check out Wind Energy Disadvantages

One of the major wind energy disadvantages is certainly noise emission. Here, we are not referring to small turbines used for private households but rather to large wind turbine farms. These farms can produce a massive noise level. But the noise is not the only problem. These wind farms can also be harmful to animals living in the area. Thirdly, wind farms cannot just be build anywhere. They require vast amounts of free open land that also has to be located close enough to cities to make it economical. Land like that is hard to find or very expensive. Finally, many people don't want to live near wind farms as they are considered to be ugly.

While these disadvantages of wind energy mainly relate to wind farms there are a couple of drawbacks of a more general nature. Firstly, wind does not always blow with the same strength. Sometimes it blows stronger, sometimes weaker. On the other hand our energy needs are of a more consistent nature. We need electricity whether the wind is blowing or not. Then, there is the considerable financial commitment that one needs to make to start a new wind technology system. However, you can avoid these high costs when you build wind turbine technology yourself.

It is good to know, however, that sooner or later we will overcome these disadvantages of wind energy. With time wind energy technology will dramatically improve in efficiency and price and wind energy advantages will outweigh the negatives. This might then lead to more people wanting to build wind turbine technology for their homes, too.

We are at the end of the article and I hope you enjoyed reading it. If you want to discover more secrets about the advantages of solar energy and tips and tricks how you too can benefit from wind power  take a look at Wind Energy Advantages

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