Sunday, January 16, 2011

Alternative Renewable Energy

More and more people are sharing our planet. More and more economies are being developed. The demand for electricity is greatly influenced by both of these components. Today most of this requirement for energy power is still satisfied with non-renewable energy sources. Burning non-renewable sources of energy , however, is harmful to our world and most importantly our health. That is why the search is on for alternative renewable energy sources. The burning of non-renewable energy sources has already initiated undesirable outcomessuch as global warming, smog and acid rain.

The solution to our energy dilemma has for many years been believed to be nuclear power. Nuclear Power, however, also has some inherent dangers associated with it.

At this moment in time,the primary alternative to nuclear energy and fossil fuels are renewable alternative energy forms. Renewable energy power has numerous different facets but the three main sources are solar power wind energy and marine power.

The sun beams can be used to light and heat the inside of our houses, to heat water and to generate electricity. Wind technology uses wind turbines to make electrical energy. Marine energy technology uses the tides to make electricity. Burning fossil fuels is still a major factor of our electricity generation processdespite of the many alternative renewable energy choices that are already available.

These problems related to renewable alternative energy are the focus of this article.

One of the major benefits of any type of renewable energy power is that it renews itself again and again. The energy from the sun, wind energy and the tides  will be around for a very long time to come unlike our stocks of fossil fuels that are going to be exhausted within a few years from now.
The fact that the production of alternative renewable energy does not produce any adverse green house gases that pollute our atmosphere is another beneficial aspect. This is the reason why renewable alternative energy is often called a clean and green energy source.

From a societal point of view we are much better off using forms of energy that are already directly available in nature. Avoiding sources of energy that endanger our environment and our health, such as fossil fuels and nuclear power will also benefit us.

The sun sends off massive amounts of energy constantly. For our society it is a logical consequence to first store this renewable energy power and then to turn it into forms of power that we can actually utilize. This immense amount of free and available power is one of the main reasons why everybody are keen to use solar power in their homes. Sunlight has has been used in housing for a long time, through windows as a natural light source and to assist warming the houses.
In the recent past more people have started to harness the sunlight to also provide hot water for their household, too. Solar technologies such as solar hot water systems and solar heaters for swimming pools have continuously gained in popularity.

During the process of making electricity with wind power technology no green house gases are being dumped into the atmosphere. All of our  country's electricity requirements could be satisfied with wind energy. Unfortunately, the speed with which wind power developed as an renewable energy power over the last few years has been quite slow. For centuries windmills have been used to pump water and grind grain. Principally, wind power is a byproduct of solar energy. The sun is permanently heating up different sections of the atmosphere while other sections decrease in temperature again after the sunlight has moved away due to the spinning of the earth. Differences in atmospheric pressure are the result of the existing differences in atmospheric temperatures. These differences in the pressure of different parts of the atmosphere lead to the development of wind. At the moment, wind technology has been evolving quickly as a new alternative renewable energy form. Wind turbines, the most commonly implemented wind technology, are quite in-complex but capable. An power generator is being connected to some rotor blades. When the wind blows it spins the blades and thereby rotates the generator. The machine then generates electricity. To use this renewable alternative energy source numerous wind farms have already been erected in many different countries. While numerous of these wind farms are positioned on dry land additional research is being conducted to assist the evolution of offshore wind farms. Offshore farms could benefit from the more frequent and stronger winds that blow on the open sea. In the recent past some nations have begun to create very promising wind farms along their coastal borders. If the implementation of wind power continues to progress wind energy could very well become one of our most important energy sources. Nevertheless, to 100% satisfy every single one of our current and future electricity requirements exclusively with alternative renewable energy we need more advanced technologies.

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