Sunday, January 16, 2011

Residential Solar Power

Before we start talking about how to build solar panel I would like to point out the following fact. The existence of the sun in just about the right distance from our earth and with just about the right amount of radiation reaching the earth is one of the main reasons for the development of live on our planet. The sunlight is necessary for plants to grow and the warmth is necessary to have liquid water. To say it with other words, it is immensely important for us that the sun continues to provide energy.. So, why don't we make more usage of this free solar energy in our daily lives, for example, as residential solar power?

Most of the appliances that we use in our homes on a daily basis are powered with electricity that is generated by burning fossil fuels. Given our environmental and health problems we have experienced first hand the negative effects that the burning of fossil fuels has on the health of the individual person and on our planet. So, what prevents us from using residential solar power to end our dependence on fossil fuels?

One of the main reasons is the fact, that residential solar power technology, i.e. the equipment we need to install to harness and convert solar power into electricity is very expensive. To buy a solar system is not an option for many home owners because it is simply too expensive.. Furthermore, most people don't know how to make solar panel themselves. However, everyone has a choice when it comes to using residential solar power.

In my daily live I am always teaching people how to make solar panel in a simple and cost-effective way so that everybody can start benefiting from solar energy without spending a fortune. Through my own experience I found that understanding the core concepts first will increase yuor chances of building great solar panel tremendously. In these guidelines we investigate photovoltaic generators and I will guide you how to build solar panel that can generate electricity. Master this basic solar cell first and subsequent constructions of solar cells will be much easier for you.

There are different ways in which solar energy can be harnessed in a household. A large portion of home owners has already installed solar collectors (for hot water) and photovoltaic cells (for electricity) in their homes.

Many people who want to learn how to build solar panel are not aware of the difference between these two types of solar technology. In this study on how to make solar panel we have chosen a specific type, i.e. photovoltaic cells.

Let's start with the materials that you need to make your own solar panel. It is necessary you prepare the following list upfront: one copper sheet (about half a square foot), sheet metal shears, sand paper or an electric drill with a wire brush, safety glasses, an electric stove (more than 1000 watts), table salt (2 teaspoons) and tap water.

Please note, that in this how to build solar panel tutorial we will focus on building a photovoltaic cell that works well enough to demonstrate the principle behind it.

Initially, cut the copper sheet into 2 pieces big enough to fit on top of the electric stove plate. Afterwards clean your hands and subsequently clean one piece of copper to eliminate any fat and grease. Afterwards any hints of corrosion and any small bits of sulphide need to be also taken away utilizing the sandpaper or wire brush. Turn on the cooker (maximum setting) and lay the cleaned and dried copper sheet on the top until it becomes black. This usually does take a short while and your oven might be red hot by now. When the copper has turned black keep on cooking it for an additional half an hour until the black coating has turned really deep. Now keep the copper on the electric stove to let it cool down gently after you have shut it down. Please be aware that it is important for the copper to cool down slowly as if not the black oxide will remain stuck to the copper.

Both the copper and the oxide shrink at different speeds during the cooling down process. This has the effect that the oxide will begin to fall off the copper. Don't be surprised to see a few pieces of oxide actually flying several inches through the air. The copper should have cooled down 20 minutes later and the majority of the oxide should have jumped off. Now you can use your hands to gently wash the copper under running water. Be careful not to scrub the copper to hard and don't bend it as this might damage the material and render it useless for our purpose. Clean the copper softly and ignore those black spots that you cannot remove..
This is the end of the first section of this how to build solar panel tutorial - be proud of your first cuprous coated copper plate. The last stage of the experiment how to make solar panel can be completed in a few minutes.

After you have finished cleaning the cuprous oxide coated copper plate take the empty plastic bottle and cut off the top so that you are left with a cylindrically shaped container. Bend the two pieces of copper (one treated and one untreated) slightly so that they fit into the container without touching each other. Now, stir some table salt (about 2 large spoons) into some hot tab water. When you have done that you can pour the salt water into the plastic bottle. An inch of copper should not be covered with water.

And there you have it: you have successfully completed the process of how to make solar panel and produced your very first own solar photovoltaic cell.

You can now move the cell into sunlight and electricity will automatically be generated.

Now that you have a working prototype you better understand the technology involved with photovoltaic cells and solar panels. If you now would like to learn how to build solar panel that you can actually use in your house and your daily live I recommend you visit SolarPanelWindTurbine(dot)com.Find the ultimate practical guides to build your own solar panel and to start saving on your electricity bill.

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