Sunday, January 16, 2011

Wind Energy Disadvantages

People have known about the many wind energy advantages for centuries. The first windmills were build for the sole purpose of utilizing the energy of the wind. When the industrial revolution took off, however, other types of energy took center stage. Fossil fuels became a cheaper and more practical source of energy. Today, we are set to run out of fossil fuels soon and people are becoming more interested in wind technology again and how to build wind turbine technology. To help anybody who is considering to use wind technology in their homes we put together a list of wind energy advantages. But, in the interest of completeness we will also talk about some of the wind energy disadvantages.

For some more really great insider information on how to build wind turbines see How to Build Wind Turbine

Let's start our list of wind energy advantages with the fact that wind is a renewable resource that is also freely accessible. The next benefit is just as important: No harmful gases, e.g. sulphur dioxide, are being produced during the production of wind based energy. Therefore, health costs could be reduced. Furthermore, wind energy does not cause acid rain or other environmental problems.

Some wind energy advantages are so fundamental that our economy is even influenced by them. The expenses to keep wind technology running are very low (which is of importance for people who want to build wind turbine technology for  home). Furthermore, the government is helping to grow and develop the wind industry. This, of course, has a positive influence on our national economy. More businesses open up and more people can find jobs. Apart from economical or financial considerations, however, it is rewarding to know that working in the wind industry can help to make our environment greener.

Next to these benefits we will now discuss some wind energy disadvantages that you should know about, especially if you want to build wind turbine technology by yourself.

For more great  in-depth information and advice on wind energy disadvantages and advantages and practical tips and tricks regarding wind energy see Disadvantages of Wind Energy

Let's start with the biggest of all wind energy disadvantages: noise emission. By that we don't mean small individual wind turbines but large farms of massive turbines. It is amazing how noisy these wind farms are. Such large wind farms are also often seen as dangerous for wildlife especially birds. Another drawback of large wind farms is that they require massive amounts of free land which is usually quite rare close to highly populated areas. Finally, many people don't want to live near wind farms as they are considered to be ugly.

While these disadvantages of wind energy mainly relate to wind farms there are a couple of drawbacks of a more general nature. Firstly, wind does not always blow with the same strength. It can blow strongly at one moment and then not at all a moment later. While wind comes and goes our need for electricity stays. Secondly, wind technology requires considerable upfront investments, special governmental licenses etc. However, you do not incur these high investments if you decide to build wind turbine technology yourself.

Luckily, these disadvantages of wind energy can easily be overcome with time. With time wind energy technology will dramatically improve in efficiency and price and wind energy advantages will outweigh the negatives. This trend will certainly increase the attractiveness of wind energy as a way to power your house and many home owners might consider to build wind turbine technology by themselves.

I hope you found this essay helpful and informative. If you are looking for some more awesome insider information on all the advantages of solar energy  see Advantages of Wind Energy

Disadvantages Of Solar Energy

The main topic of this article is solar power. Our aim is to get a more complete picture by looking at solar energy advantages but also uncovering some of the disadvantages of solar energy. Anybody who intends to learn how to build solar panel should have the opportunity to inform themselves upfront.

For another great article on building your own solar panel at home see Instructions to Build Solar Panel.

The idea of using solar power has been around for hundreds of years. Since the beginning of the industrial revolution, however, the idea was left untouched. Everybody was relying on fossil fuels to satisfy their energy needs. Nowadays, we realize more and more that fossil fuel resources are limited and solar energy is seen as a possible alternative. Home owners want to learn how to build solar panel to help reduce their electricity bills.

For more great  in-depth information and advice on solar energy advantages and practical tips and tricks regarding solar energy take a look at Solar Energy Advantages.

Some of the solar energy advantages are easy to use when we compare solar energy to fossil fuel based energy. It took millions of years to create our fossil fuel reserves while solar energy is being replenished every day. Solar energy is also easily accessible for us. Solar energy is all around us. We don't need to look for it. It is already here.

Let's now look at some solar energy advantages that derive from the same principle. While during the consumption of fossil fuels harmful gases such as Sulphur Dioxide develop this is not the case with solar energy. Therefore, solar energy is being seen as a clean source of energy. This could lead to a massive reduction in gas emissions and in turn to less damage to our health and to the planet. In a world with solar power and without fossil fuels many health problems would probably be minimized (at least) and health costs would start to come down.

Over recent years the efficiency of solar technology has improved tremendously. In 1982, for example, the average silicon cell had a conversion efficiency of 4%. This rate has been improved to 20% now.

Governments are also supporting the installation of solar technologies by offering tax incentives. The Energy Policy Act of 2005 is one of many examples. There are countries that go even further and allow people to feed home-made energy into the grid. Against payment, of course.

Now that we looked at the benefits let's look at the disadvantages of solar energy.

The following are the most important disadvantages of solar energy. The lack of efficient enough technology to satisfy all our energy needs is one of them. Also, the initial installation of solar technology in your home is very expensive. It is actually very easy to learn how to build solar panel and then you can save money by doing it yourself. The last drawback is the fact that solar energy cannot yet be stored efficiently enough so that we can consume it even during night time.

Improved technology and higher demands will solves all of these disadvantages of solar energy. Given time and a further advancement of solar technology we might be able to take full advantage of all the solar energy advantages and more people will learn how to build solar panel by themselves.

I hope you enjoyed this article. To find out more useful information about disadvantages of solar energy  see Solar Energy Disadvantages

Solar Energy Advantages

The purpose of this writing is to get a better understanding of solar power. While there are many solar energy advantages that are often talked about we intend to also deal with the biggest disadvantages of solar energy. Only when you know both sides should you decide whether or not to start learning how to build solar panel to power your home.

For another great article on building your own solar panel at home take a look at Click here.

Solar power has been used for hundreds of years. However, during the last 100 years it somehow got forgotten. The whole industrialization process relied on fossil fuels as the main source of energy. Fossil fuels are a limited resource and stock levels are already low. Suddenly, solar energy is becoming more interesting again. To take full advantage of solar energy many people have learned how to build solar panel and started to use this knowledge to provide power for their homes.

If you are looking for an awesome free site on solar energy advantages and all sorts of other free solar energy information then see Solar Energy Advantages.

When comparing to fossil fuels solar energy advantages are very apparent. While fossil fuel resources are limited, solar energy is a renewable energy source. In addition, it is an energy source that is freely available in abundance. We only need to collect it and then we can start using it straight away.

The next couple of solar energy advantages are based on the same fact. Solar energy is considered a clean form of energy because no harmful gases are being produced during the process of harnessing solar power. This is a very important advantage considering the massive damage our century long burning of fossil fuels has caused to our health and this planet as a whole. An elimination of harmful gas emissions would certainly be very beneficial to our health and thereby help to reduce health costs.

Solar technology today is much more efficient and affordable than it was a few years ago. Between 1982 and today the conversion efficiency of silicon cells, for example, has been improved from 4% to 20%.

Governments also try to help the solar industry by providing certain tax breaks. The Energy Policy Act of 2005 had that objective in mind. Some countries even offer payments to households that feed self-produced energy into the grid.

In the next part we are going to talk about the disadvantages of solar energy.

Here, we will only consider the biggest disadvantages of solar energy. The lack of efficient enough technology to satisfy all our energy needs is one of them. Solar energy technology is still quite expensive to set up. Luckily, you can save on these expenses because it is very easy to learn how to build solar panel yourself. Lastly, the question of solar energy storage needs to be solved so that energy is available at day and night time.

Luckily, these disadvantages of solar energy are only of a temporary nature. With time solar technology will improve and we will be able to fully enjoy all solar energy advantages and more people will learn how to build solar panel for themselves.

I hope you enjoyed this article. To find out more useful information about disadvantages of solar energy  take a look at Solar Energy – A look at Disadvantages

Alternative Wind Energy

Using alternative wind energy is not a new concept but it might become a global reality in the not so distant future.

Oil prices are rising all the time. Fossil fuel resources are depleting quickly. It is also clear to us now that burning fossil fuels releases too many harmful gases into the atmosphere. Furthermore, climate change is occurring much faster than anticipated. Producing and consuming coal is not a long-term solution either as the problems associated with it are very similar to oil. We need to develop clean ways to generate our electricity, e.g. using renewable wind energy.

Since every country needs and consumes energy every country needs to make a contribution to finding a solution to our energy crisis. Not all countries consume an equal amount of fossil fuels per annum. Some countries might have already implemented a large amount of renewable energy technology. Especially countries with a large manufacturing base like India and China are under pressure to take fast action as their countries emissions are very high.

We need to stop polluting our planet. We need to stop using fossil fuels and start using other more environmentally friendly sources of energy. The best options are solar, water, geothermal and renewable wind energy. These alternative sources of energy don't produce harmful gases for the environment and are therefore being described as clean energy sources.

For countries to harness these green sources of energy certain preconditions need to be fulfilled. One prerequisite for generating renewable wind energy, for example, would be strong enough winds. Some countries, like Germany and Japan, have spent a few years researching alternative wind energy and are already using it to generate electricity. Countries like Japan have a large shoreline. This makes running wind farms more economical.

To build wind turbine farms you have to go where you can find wind. Most wind can be found out on the open sea. Therefore, more energy could be generated at those locations. Building offshore of course has it's own challenges. To start with extra foundation work would increase the overall cost of such a project. The extra energy that can be produced here might offset the higher initial investment.

Wind energy technology is continuing to improve in efficiency. This will eventually lead to lower production costs and a heightened attractiveness of alternative wind energy. Sven Sigaard, president and CEO of Vestas Wind Systems (Denmark) believes that once it is possible to build wind turbine farms close enough to the shore line and with technology that is efficient enough the kilowatt/hour price can compete with other forms of energy.

Mr. Sigaard originated in Denmark, a country where windmills were already used more than 200 years ago to generate more than 25% of the nation's industrial energy requirements. We should certainly listen to what he has to say.

Renewable Wind Energy

Given our current energy situation alternative wind energy might very well become one of our most important sources of energy in the future.

The price of oil is constantly rising. The amount of fossil fuels that is still left on this planet is low. In addition, using fossil fuels has caused drastic damage to our health and the environment. We can also already see how quickly and profoundly our climate is changing. Coal production and consumption causes just as many problems as oil does. The answer lies with renewable wind energy and other clean types of energy.

We certainly have to cooperate at an international level if we want to solve our energy problem. The amount of fossil fuels burned or consumed by each country is certainly different. Countries that are more advanced in their economic development might already have replaced some of their fossil fuel consumption with cleaner energy technology. Countries with a large industrial sector, such as India and China, for example, need to pay special attention to their pollution contribution.

We cannot continue polluting our planet any more. We all have to work together if we want to develop alternative sources of energy. Renewable wind energy as well as solar power could be one of those sources. These alternative sources of energy don't produce harmful gases for the environment and are therefore being described as clean energy sources.

Some forms of energy are available globally while others require specific locations. In a location with no or only mild winds it would be very difficult to generate renewable wind energy. Germany is one of the leading countries in terms of alternative wind energy. It is easier for countries with a large shoreline to build wind turbine farms at a larger scale.

While winds are strong near the coastline they are even stronger offshore. Experts suggest to build wind turbine farms there. Therefore, more energy could be generated at those locations. The drawback is, that building on the open sea can be a big challenge. Each turbine would need to be able to withstand the harsh conditions on the open sea. Having said that, once the breaking-even-point is reached these wind farms will work much more competitively.

The technology to harness wind power is always  improving. With every decrease in production costs the interest in alternative wind energy increases. Sven Sigaard, president and CEO of Vestas Wind Systems (Denmark) believes that once it is possible to build wind turbine farms close enough to the shore line and with technology that is efficient enough the kilowatt/hour price can compete with other forms of energy.

Coming from a country where windmills were used since around 1790 to generate 25% of all the energy needed by the Danish Industry Mr. Sigaard's statement certainly deserves our attention.

Renewable Energy Sources

Why is renewable energy technology in every newspaper and magazine? Why is the search on for new sources of renewable energy? Many aspects of our daily lives are changing. Change is usually not welcomed and it forces us humans to take action. The change we talk about here relates to the way in which we produce and use energy. Our century long consumption of fossil fuel based energy has caused severe health and environmental damage and can no longer be sustained. We need to move quickly from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources.

For a long time nuclear technology was considered the way out of the energy crisis. They spent their budgets on building plants and developing infrastructure. It is evident by now, however, that nuclear power is not a viable option. Other sources of renewable energy need to be found.

Today, renewable energy technology has evolved and a number of different options have emerged that promise us greener and cleaner power. Solar, wind, water and geothermal energy are probably the best known ones. These renewable energy sources need to be explored further before they can become a viable alternative to fossil fuel based energy. However, it is not possible for just one nation to solve the energy problem. Therefore, we need an international solution to implementing sources of renewable energy.

In the US the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), a faculty of the US Department of Energy (DOE) is conducting research and development in a number of different areas all related to renewable energy technology.

But it's not just the public sector anymore, private investors are also lining up to get in on the action called renewable energy sources. There is a worldwide growing demand for this new energy technology. What was once a minority issue has now become mainstream..

But for things to really change we all need to cooperate. Electricity based on sources of renewable energy can only become a viable option if we all participate. You can find numerous renewable energy technology at your local energy store. Solar powered outdoor lighting is a good example because it already contains its' own solar technology. You could change your hot water system from gas or electric to a solar powered one. If you need help speak to your local energy company for ways in which you can benefit from renewable energy sources.

We need to understand that this is our only option. Soon, we will have consumed all the fossil fuels that we can harness. Our environmental situation is becoming more serious every day.
Of course, we cannot live or function without energy. But what good does this energy do if we don't have air to breathe or food to eat. The answer lies with renewable energy sources.

To benefit from these sources of renewable energy we need to develop and implement renewable energy technology. Let's cooperate! After all there is strength in numbers.

Sources Of Renewable Energy

Why is everybody talking about renewable energy technology? Why is everybody searching for sources of renewable energy? Many aspects of our daily lives are changing. This change has to occur whether we like it or not. We are forced to find new ways to produce the energy we need. The cost of using fossil fuel based energy cannot be justified any longer. A change to renewable energy sources is necessary.

For a long time nuclear power was seen as the solution. They went ahead, spending what was necessary to develop this technology. However, we have seen by now that compared to fossil fuels nuclear power generates at least as many problems. We need other sources of renewable energy.

To harness any of these clean and green energy sources we need renewable energy technology. Most of us will probably have heard of solar and wind energy. The technologies to take advantage of these renewable energy sources still need to be further developed before a global implementation becomes possible. However, it is not possible for just one nation to solve the energy problem. And the solution can only be the substitution of limited fossil fuels with sources of renewable energy.

In the US the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), a faculty of the US Department of Energy (DOE) is conducting research and development in a number of different areas all related to renewable energy technology.

Renewable energy sources have also become increasingly attractive to private investors. There is a worldwide growing demand for this new energy technology. Because of this perception investments from Sir Richard Branson, GE and Wal-Mart have already started flowing in.

But for things to really change we all need to cooperate. Everyone of us can use some of the sources of renewable energy in their homes. Many types of renewable energy technology are already on the market. Why not upgrade your outdoor lighting system to one that uses solar energy. You could change your hot water system from gas or electric to a solar powered one. These are just some examples how you can start using renewable energy sources.

We really don't have any other options. Fossil fuel resources are limited. Our environmental situation is becoming more serious every day.
Of course, our society cannot function without energy. At the same time we also need a clean living environment with fresh water to drink and clean air to breathe. In other words, we need green and renewable energy sources.

In order to harness these sources of renewable energy we need to have suitable renewable energy technology. In the end, a big difference is build from many small differences.

Renewable Green Energy

Producing electricity by burning fossil fuels has many negative side effects. Huge amounts of dangerous substances are being pumped into the air. Huge amounts of solid waste are being produced. Our health and our environment are suffering a lot because of these effects. Because of this damage more and more people have turned to  green renewable energy. Today, more and more people are willing to recycle their waste. Less plastic bags are being consumed and people look for renewable electricity.

Fossil fuel resources are limited by nature. The only way to solve our energy problem is to produce renewable electricity. Solar and wind power as well as marine and geothermal energy are seen as such renewable green energy sources. They are described as green to indicate that they are less harmful to our planet than fossil fuel based energy. People call them green renewable energy sources for their ability to restore themselves.

Renewable green energy technologies based on solar and wind energy are currently the most developed. Solar and wind energy can be found anywhere. Technology to produce renewable electricity with marine or geothermal power still need to be further developed. In the end there is no decision to be made: we must utilize green renewable energy. We must no longer consume energy that was generated using fossil fuels.

Solar energy is definitely the most popular type of renewable green energy. Nearly everyone has seen a solar calculator. The photovoltaic cells use the sunlight to produce the energy the calculator requires. When the sun shines on them these cells can produce electricity. Many home owners are already using solar power to satisfy their hot water requirements. This apparatus is usually classified as a thermal or solar collector. Originally, Horace de Saussine applied for a patent for this gadget. Just open your eyes and you will see many houses that already use this technology. This free renewable green energy gives the proprietors the opportunity to save money on their electricity bill.

The usage of green renewable energy systems is already evident in many countries worldwide. In countries such as Japan and Israel a large number of households is using solar collectors. In the United States this technology has not yet been fully developed. Many analysts believe that solar power will dominate the energy market in years to come.

Wind energy is the second most popular form of green renewable energy. Renewable electricity is being produced by more than 20,000 turbines worldwide. Countries with vast wind resources are in the best position to benefit from wind energy to produce their renewable green energy. Wind energy is also called green because it does not emit any green house gases. When looking at the speed with which renewable electricity technology develops wind energy is leading the way. The United States are the forerunners in this sector, Europe is runner-up.

Solar Power Home

People are more likely to take a specific action if they stand to gain from it financially. Other types might be sanctioned with monetary devices. Many home owners are willing to take action if it helps to minimize costs. They want to save money by harnessing renewable solar energy. Therefore, they implement solar power home technology. In addition to alternative solar energy many more kinds of renewable energy exist. The tides, for example, are being used to produce energy.

Having said that, the solar power home is currently the most widely used alternative energy model. Such buildings convert renewable solar energy by using photovoltaic cells and solar thermal collectors.

The principle of solar thermal collectors is rather simple. To obtain alternative solar energy the collectors must first absorb the sunlight. With this thermal energy the temperature of the water flowing inside the panels is being increased. From the coils the water goes into another container where it remains until it is needed. This principle has found application in an array of solar collectors. In this article we concentrate on flat plate water collectors and panels without glazing. That depends on the requirements for your solar power home system

Unglazed panels lack sufficient insulation. That means that a lot of energy can escape. Because of this they are only used as swimming pool heating. The unglazed panels increase the temperature inside the pool by a only few degrees. Flat plate technology makes usage of a better insulation. This gives them more efficiency in terms of renewable solar energy. This is achieved with single or double glazing. Flat plate water collectors can achieve higher temperatures.

Flat plate air collectors and evacuated tube collectors are examples of other less commonly used solar thermal collectors. We will not cover them in this article. Many books and magazines are available on this topic. They are an excellent starting point.

Photovoltaic cells are another technology that is often used to harness alternative solar energy in a solar power home. These cells have been used for many years on smaller devices such as calculators. When sunlight shines on these cells they are able to generate electricity. The efficiency rate of these cells is constantly being improved and more and more people want to buy them. They produce sufficient electricity for most small appliances. It can be the source for a central heating system. Photovoltaic cells have a very high efficiency rate. In combination with other types of technology such as wind energy technology we could generate enough power to dramatically decrease our dependency on fossil fuels.

The next challenge that any solar power home has to overcome is the storage of energy. We need to be able to use renewable solar energy even at times without direct sun light. The question is how we can store alternative solar energy. Storage is the key to moving solar energy through space and time. When solar energy will become available 24 hours a day it will be a viable alternative to fossil fuels. Only then do we have a chance of saving our environment.

Today, an array of technology is already available. This technology makes it easy for most landlords to remodel their property into a solar power home. The technology to harness alternative solar energy is build from everyday materials. Most people will find it very easy to build this technology themselves. Any new development can easily be designed to benefit from renewable solar energy. This will help to improve our planet. It will also increase the value of your home and save you money on your electricity bill.

Alternative Solar Energy

Governments use financial incentives to encourage certain types of behavior. They sanction other types of action. If you own a home you have probably experienced some kind of financial pressure. They want to save money by harnessing renewable solar energy. Therefore, they implement solar power home technology. However, alternative solar energy is not the only type of renewable energy. Wind, water and geothermal energy are also types of power.

Having said that, the solar power home is currently the most widely used alternative energy model. These buildings use solar thermal collectors and photovoltaic technology to take advantage of renewable solar energy.

The principle of solar thermal collectors is rather simple. To start with, they absorb alternative solar energy. This energy heats up the water inside the collectors. The hot water is then moved into storage until consumption. A lot of types of collectors have been developed using different materials. The main alternatives are flat plate water collectors and unglazed panels. That depends on the requirements for your solar power home system

Unglazed panels lack sufficient insulation. As a consequence they can only produce small amounts of energy. Many home owners use them for the swimming pool heating. With these unglazed panels the water temperature can be increased by a few degrees. Flat plate water collectors have an improved insulation. They can produce more renewable solar energy from the same input. The different glazing is the main factor influencing the insulation. That is why they are used as hot water supply in many homes.

Flat plate air collectors and evacuated tube collectors are examples of other less commonly used solar thermal collectors. We will not discuss them here. You will find more details in a number of different books written on this topic. They are easy to read and very helpful.

Photovoltaic cells are another technology that is often used to harness alternative solar energy in a solar power home. Check out your calculator. It is probably powered by photovoltaic cells. These cells use semiconductor technology to convert sunlight into electricity. This technology is developing very rapidly and the market is growing quickly. It converts solar energy well enough to power your toaster or your blow dryer. You could even satisfy your heating requirements. Photovoltaic cells are very proficient. Using this technology in addition to other types of technology, e.g. wind energy technology we can achieve a significant shift away from fossil fuels.

The next challenge that any solar power home has to overcome is the storage of energy. We need to be able to use renewable solar energy even at times without direct sun light. The challenge is to store alternative solar energy during the daytime. Storage would increase the accessibility of solar energy. Once we have solved this problem solar energy is a viable alternative to fossil fuels. This independence is necessary if we want to preserve our environment.

Today, an array of technology is already available. Most houses can be upgraded into solar power home with only very little effort. The technology to harness alternative solar energy is build from everyday materials. The process of putting the materials together can easily be done at home. Alternatively, you could design your next home with renewable solar energy as a main power source. This can not only assist us in creating a better world. It will also increase the value of your home and save you money on your electricity bill.

Residential Solar Power

Before we start talking about how to build solar panel I would like to point out the following fact. The existence of the sun in just about the right distance from our earth and with just about the right amount of radiation reaching the earth is one of the main reasons for the development of live on our planet. The sunlight is necessary for plants to grow and the warmth is necessary to have liquid water. To say it with other words, it is immensely important for us that the sun continues to provide energy.. So, why don't we make more usage of this free solar energy in our daily lives, for example, as residential solar power?

Most of the appliances that we use in our homes on a daily basis are powered with electricity that is generated by burning fossil fuels. Given our environmental and health problems we have experienced first hand the negative effects that the burning of fossil fuels has on the health of the individual person and on our planet. So, what prevents us from using residential solar power to end our dependence on fossil fuels?

One of the main reasons is the fact, that residential solar power technology, i.e. the equipment we need to install to harness and convert solar power into electricity is very expensive. To buy a solar system is not an option for many home owners because it is simply too expensive.. Furthermore, most people don't know how to make solar panel themselves. However, everyone has a choice when it comes to using residential solar power.

In my daily live I am always teaching people how to make solar panel in a simple and cost-effective way so that everybody can start benefiting from solar energy without spending a fortune. Through my own experience I found that understanding the core concepts first will increase yuor chances of building great solar panel tremendously. In these guidelines we investigate photovoltaic generators and I will guide you how to build solar panel that can generate electricity. Master this basic solar cell first and subsequent constructions of solar cells will be much easier for you.

There are different ways in which solar energy can be harnessed in a household. A large portion of home owners has already installed solar collectors (for hot water) and photovoltaic cells (for electricity) in their homes.

Many people who want to learn how to build solar panel are not aware of the difference between these two types of solar technology. In this study on how to make solar panel we have chosen a specific type, i.e. photovoltaic cells.

Let's start with the materials that you need to make your own solar panel. It is necessary you prepare the following list upfront: one copper sheet (about half a square foot), sheet metal shears, sand paper or an electric drill with a wire brush, safety glasses, an electric stove (more than 1000 watts), table salt (2 teaspoons) and tap water.

Please note, that in this how to build solar panel tutorial we will focus on building a photovoltaic cell that works well enough to demonstrate the principle behind it.

Initially, cut the copper sheet into 2 pieces big enough to fit on top of the electric stove plate. Afterwards clean your hands and subsequently clean one piece of copper to eliminate any fat and grease. Afterwards any hints of corrosion and any small bits of sulphide need to be also taken away utilizing the sandpaper or wire brush. Turn on the cooker (maximum setting) and lay the cleaned and dried copper sheet on the top until it becomes black. This usually does take a short while and your oven might be red hot by now. When the copper has turned black keep on cooking it for an additional half an hour until the black coating has turned really deep. Now keep the copper on the electric stove to let it cool down gently after you have shut it down. Please be aware that it is important for the copper to cool down slowly as if not the black oxide will remain stuck to the copper.

Both the copper and the oxide shrink at different speeds during the cooling down process. This has the effect that the oxide will begin to fall off the copper. Don't be surprised to see a few pieces of oxide actually flying several inches through the air. The copper should have cooled down 20 minutes later and the majority of the oxide should have jumped off. Now you can use your hands to gently wash the copper under running water. Be careful not to scrub the copper to hard and don't bend it as this might damage the material and render it useless for our purpose. Clean the copper softly and ignore those black spots that you cannot remove..
This is the end of the first section of this how to build solar panel tutorial - be proud of your first cuprous coated copper plate. The last stage of the experiment how to make solar panel can be completed in a few minutes.

After you have finished cleaning the cuprous oxide coated copper plate take the empty plastic bottle and cut off the top so that you are left with a cylindrically shaped container. Bend the two pieces of copper (one treated and one untreated) slightly so that they fit into the container without touching each other. Now, stir some table salt (about 2 large spoons) into some hot tab water. When you have done that you can pour the salt water into the plastic bottle. An inch of copper should not be covered with water.

And there you have it: you have successfully completed the process of how to make solar panel and produced your very first own solar photovoltaic cell.

You can now move the cell into sunlight and electricity will automatically be generated.

Now that you have a working prototype you better understand the technology involved with photovoltaic cells and solar panels. If you now would like to learn how to build solar panel that you can actually use in your house and your daily live I recommend you visit SolarPanelWindTurbine(dot)com.Find the ultimate practical guides to build your own solar panel and to start saving on your electricity bill.

How To Build Solar Panel

Before we start talking about how to build solar panel I would like to point out the following fact. Water, wind and even live itself are all examples of our planet's dependence on the sun and its' energy. The sunlight is necessary for plants to grow and the warmth is necessary to have liquid water. In other words, the energy that the sun provides is absolutely vital for us. So, why don't we make more usage of this free solar energy in our daily lives, for example, as residential solar power?

Most of the appliances that we use in our homes on a daily basis are powered with electricity that is generated by burning fossil fuels. By now it is visible to everyone that consuming fossil fuels is more than harmful to the health of us and our planet as a whole. So, what causes us to remain dependent on fossil fuels instead of changing to residential solar power?

One of the main reasons is the fact, that residential solar power technology, i.e. Most home owners cannot afford to buy the devices necessary to benefit from solar energy. Many home owners just cannot afford to buy a ready made solar system.. Furthermore, most people don't know how to make solar panel themselves. Residential solar power can be used in more ways than one to save on your electric charges.

In my daily live I am always teaching people how to make solar panel in a simple and cost-effective way so that everybody can start benefiting from solar energy without spending a fortune. The vast majority of people find it easier to build their own solar panel after they have learned about the basic principles first. In this guide we deal with photovoltaic technology and the process of how to build solar panel based on this principle. When you are able to build this simple solar cells you can start building solar cells that are capable of powering different appliances in your home.

There are different ways in which solar energy can be harnessed in a household. Solar collectors and photovoltaic cells are the number one choices of most home owners who want to benefit from solar energy.

Many people who want to learn how to build solar panel are not aware of the difference between these two types of solar technology. In this feature on how to make solar panel we will discuss photovoltaic cells.

Let's start with the materials that you need to make your own solar panel. To get started you need to have the following things ready:a copper sheet (about half a square foot), safety glasses, sheet metal shears, an electric drill with a wire brush or sand paper, a cooker (more than 1000 watts), tab water and 2 teaspoons of table salt.

Please note, that in this how to build solar panel tutorial we will focus on building a photovoltaic cell that works well enough to demonstrate the principle behind it.

First off, the copper sheet has to be cut into 2 sections that are large|big|ample|sizable|wide] enough to fit on on top of the cooker plate. Next, when you have cleaned your hands you have to wipe off any grease and fat from one piece of copper. Then utilize the wire brush or sandpaper to additionally clear away any remaining corrosion and any traces of of sulphide. Lay the cleaned and dried copper sheet on the top of the switched on electric stove (maximum setting) and leave it there until it becomes black. This could take a a few minutes and the electric stove could turn red hot during this process. As the black coating needs to change to be really rich once the copper has become black you have to keep on heating it for an additional 30 minutes. After this in order to let the copper cool off bit by bit leave it on the cooker after you have shut it down. Please note that in order to avoid the black oxide to keep stuck to the copper it is imperative for the copper to cool down at a slow pace.

Like any metal copper will shrink when it cools down – but at a different speed than oxide. Due to this shrinking speed difference a process begins during which the oxide starts to flake off, leaving just the copper. It is quite usual during this process to notice oxide pieces to be released several inches into the air. After approximately 20 minutes the copper should have cooled down and most of the oxide will have jumped off. Next turn on some tab water and carefully use your hands to clean the copper. Please note that copper sheets can get damaged easily when scrubbed too hard. Remove as many black spots as you can but only wash the copper very gently..
This was the first step in this how to build solar panel guide and you now have a copper plate coated with cuprous oxide. You are approaching then end of this introduction of how to make solar panel.

After you have finished cleaning the cuprous oxide coated copper plate take the empty plastic bottle and cut off the top so that you are left with a cylindrically shaped container. Bend the two pieces of copper (one treated and one untreated) slightly so that they fit into the container without touching each other. Afterwards, put the table salt (2 tablespoons) into some hot tab water. Now add the saltwater to the container until an inch of copper remains outside the water.

And there you have it: you have successfully completed the process of how to make solar panel and produced your very first own solar photovoltaic cell.

You can now move the cell into sunlight and electricity will automatically be generated.

Now that you have a working prototype you better understand the technology involved with photovoltaic cells and solar panels. At SolarPanelWindTurbine(dot)com you can find the ultimate guide on how to build solar panel for your home.Benefit from these unbelievable common sense directions to quickly and easily assemble solar panel at home and start saving money on electric charges.

Renewable Energy Power

The number of people on this planet is increasing fast. More and more economies are being developed. The demand for energy power is greatly influenced by both of these circumstances. Today, this electricity demand is still being met with non-renewable energy sources. Burning fossil fuels, nevertheless, damages our world and most importantly our well-being. That is why the search is on for alternative renewable energy sources. The burning of non-renewable sources of energy has already influenced undesirable outcomessuch as global warming, smog and acid rain.

For many decades nuclear power was believed to be the answer to our energy crisis. Nuclear Power, however, also has some inherent drawbacks associated with it.

Renewable alternative energy forms are at the moment the most favorable option to replace our current dependency on fossil fuels and nuclear power. Given all potential forms of renewable energy power the three that are the furthest developed ones are solar energy, wind energy and marine energy.

Solar technology converts the energy that is contained in the sun's radiation. Wind technology uses wind turbines to produce electrical energy. Marine power technology produces electrical energy from the movements of the sea. Consuming fossil fuels is still a main factor of our electricity generation processdespite of the many alternative renewable energy forms that are already available.

The focus of this article is to discuss these problems in relation to renewable alternative energy.

Any form of renewable energy power has the advantage that it refills itself again continuously. While fossil fuels are limited resources solar power, wind energy and waves are in a sense unlimited resources as they will continue to exist for a very long time to come.
A further advantageous aspect of alternative renewable energy is the fact that its' production does not produce any harmful green house gases that pollute the atmosphere. This is the reason why renewable alternative energy is often seen as a clean or green energy.

When we use types of energy that are freely available in nature our society as a whole will benefit. Avoiding types of energy that pose a real threat to our environment and our health, such as fossil fuels and nuclear power will also benefit us.

Every day the sun sends off great amounts of energy. Collecting this renewable energy power and turning it into forms of power that we can utilize makes perfect sense for our society. This great amount of free and available power is one of the major reasons why everybody are keen to use solar energy in their homes. Sunlight has has been used in housing for many years, through windows as a natural light source and to help warming the houses.
Over recent years an increasing number of people have started to harness solar energy to also make hot water for their household, too. Technologies that use solar energy such as solar heaters for swimming pools and solar hot water systems are continuously gaining in popularity.

No green house gases are being released into the environment when wind power technology are being used to make electricity. In this country we can produce enough power from wind energy to meet all our energy requirements. Unfortunately, the speed with which wind energy progressed as an renewable energy power over the last few years has been a little bit slow. The process of pumping water and grinding grain using windmills has been around for centuries. Principally, wind energy is a a spin off of solar energy. The sun is consistently heating up different parts of the atmosphere while other parts decrease in temperature again after the sun has moved away due to the spinning of the earth. Differences in atmospheric pressure are the result of the existing differences in atmospheric temperatures. These differences in the pressure of different parts of the atmosphere lead to the development of wind. Lately, wind energy is evolving fast as a new alternative renewable energy type. The most commonly implemented wind technology, that is quite in-complex but potent are wind turbines. Rotor blades are being attached to an electricity generator. The generator rotates when the wind turns the blades. The engine then creates power. To profit from this renewable alternative energy form numerous wind farms have already been build globally. Further research needs to be conducted to aid in the implementation of offshore wind farms as currently many of these wind farms are still located on dry land. Winds usually blow stronger and more frequenton the open sea and offshore wind farms could profit from this. Very promising wind farms have been developed along the shorelines of numerous countriesrecently With a further progression of the implementation of wind power wind power could soon develop into one of our major energy sources. Stillwe need more improved technologies if we want to absolutely satisfy each and every one of our current and future power needs solely with alternative renewable energy.

Renewable Alternative Energy

The the number of people on this planet is growing rapidly. An increasing number of economies is being developed. The need for electricity is greatly influenced by both of these elements. Today most of this requirement for energy power is still satisfied with fossil fuels. Burning non-renewable sources of energy , nevertheless, damages our world and most importantly our well-being. That is why the search is on for alternative renewable energy sources. The burning of non-renewable energy sources has already influenced undesirable outcomessuch as global warming, smog and acid rain.

For many decades nuclear power was believed to be the answer to our energy problem. Nuclear Power, however, also has some inherent drawbacks coupled with it.

Renewable alternative energy forms are nowadays the number one choice to substitute our current dependency on fossil fuels and nuclear power. Solar wind and marine power are the three major types of renewable energy power.

Solar technology converts the power that is available in the sun light. Wind energy technology generates electricity with wind turbines. Marine power technology produces electrical power from the waves and tides. Today burning fossil fuels is still a main factor of our power generation processin spite of the many alternative renewable energy options that are already available.

It is the intention of this article to take a look at these reasons in relation to renewable alternative energy.

Any source of renewable energy power has the benefit that it recharges itself again continuously. Solar power, wind power and tidal movements are in a sense unlimited resources as they will be around for many thousands of years from now while fossil fuels are limited resources that soon will be exhausted.
The fact that the consumption of alternative renewable energy does not generate any unhealthy green house gases that pollute our air is a further benefit. This is the reason why renewable alternative energy is often called a green energy.

It is certainly favorable for us as a society to use freely available energy sources. Avoiding sources of energy that endanger our environment and our health, such as fossil fuels and nuclear power will also benefit us.

Massive amounts of energy are being produced by the sun daily. It is a sensible thing to do for our society to store this renewable energy power and convert it into forms of power that we can utilize. This nearly unlimited amount of free and available power is one of the main reasons why everybody are keen to use solar power in their homes. Energy from the sun has has been used in housing for many years, in the form of windows as a natural light source and to contribute to warming the houses.
The energy from the sun is nowadays also being used by an increasing number of people to provide the hot water for their homes. Technologies that use solar energy such as solar heaters for swimming pools and solar hot water systems are becoming increasingly popular.

When using wind power technology to generate electricity no green house gases are pumped into the air. All of our  country's energy requirements could be satisfied with wind power. Nevertheless, the development of wind power as an renewable energy power has been seen as a little bit slow over the last few decades. The process of pumping water and grinding grain using windmills has been around for centuries. In principle, wind power is a byproduct of solar energy. Due to the earth spinning different parts of our atmosphere are being heated up while other areas cool down again once the sun has moved away. Differences in atmospheric pressure are being caused by the existing differences in atmospheric temperatures. The result of these pressure differences in the atmosphere is wind. These days, wind industry is growing quickly as a new form of alternative renewable energy. The most often implemented wind technology, that is quite simplistic but powerful are wind turbines. An electricity generator is being connected to some rotor blades. The blades are spun by the wind and in turn rotate the generator. Power is then being created by the engine. Quite a few wind farms have already been erected all over the world to benefit from this source of renewable alternative energy. While several of these wind farms can be found on dry land additional research is being conducted to promote the advancement of offshore wind farms. Winds usually blow more frequent and strongeron the open sea and offshore wind farms could benefit from this. Very encouraging wind farms have been designed along the coastal borders of quite a few nationsover the last few years If the wind power industry continues to advance wind power could very well become one of the most important energy sources. Nonethelesswe need more advanced technologies if we want to fully satisfy each and every one of our current and future energy needs exclusively with alternative renewable energy.

Alternative Renewable Energy

More and more people are sharing our planet. More and more economies are being developed. The demand for electricity is greatly influenced by both of these components. Today most of this requirement for energy power is still satisfied with non-renewable energy sources. Burning non-renewable sources of energy , however, is harmful to our world and most importantly our health. That is why the search is on for alternative renewable energy sources. The burning of non-renewable energy sources has already initiated undesirable outcomessuch as global warming, smog and acid rain.

The solution to our energy dilemma has for many years been believed to be nuclear power. Nuclear Power, however, also has some inherent dangers associated with it.

At this moment in time,the primary alternative to nuclear energy and fossil fuels are renewable alternative energy forms. Renewable energy power has numerous different facets but the three main sources are solar power wind energy and marine power.

The sun beams can be used to light and heat the inside of our houses, to heat water and to generate electricity. Wind technology uses wind turbines to make electrical energy. Marine energy technology uses the tides to make electricity. Burning fossil fuels is still a major factor of our electricity generation processdespite of the many alternative renewable energy choices that are already available.

These problems related to renewable alternative energy are the focus of this article.

One of the major benefits of any type of renewable energy power is that it renews itself again and again. The energy from the sun, wind energy and the tides  will be around for a very long time to come unlike our stocks of fossil fuels that are going to be exhausted within a few years from now.
The fact that the production of alternative renewable energy does not produce any adverse green house gases that pollute our atmosphere is another beneficial aspect. This is the reason why renewable alternative energy is often called a clean and green energy source.

From a societal point of view we are much better off using forms of energy that are already directly available in nature. Avoiding sources of energy that endanger our environment and our health, such as fossil fuels and nuclear power will also benefit us.

The sun sends off massive amounts of energy constantly. For our society it is a logical consequence to first store this renewable energy power and then to turn it into forms of power that we can actually utilize. This immense amount of free and available power is one of the main reasons why everybody are keen to use solar power in their homes. Sunlight has has been used in housing for a long time, through windows as a natural light source and to assist warming the houses.
In the recent past more people have started to harness the sunlight to also provide hot water for their household, too. Solar technologies such as solar hot water systems and solar heaters for swimming pools have continuously gained in popularity.

During the process of making electricity with wind power technology no green house gases are being dumped into the atmosphere. All of our  country's electricity requirements could be satisfied with wind energy. Unfortunately, the speed with which wind power developed as an renewable energy power over the last few years has been quite slow. For centuries windmills have been used to pump water and grind grain. Principally, wind power is a byproduct of solar energy. The sun is permanently heating up different sections of the atmosphere while other sections decrease in temperature again after the sunlight has moved away due to the spinning of the earth. Differences in atmospheric pressure are the result of the existing differences in atmospheric temperatures. These differences in the pressure of different parts of the atmosphere lead to the development of wind. At the moment, wind technology has been evolving quickly as a new alternative renewable energy form. Wind turbines, the most commonly implemented wind technology, are quite in-complex but capable. An power generator is being connected to some rotor blades. When the wind blows it spins the blades and thereby rotates the generator. The machine then generates electricity. To use this renewable alternative energy source numerous wind farms have already been erected in many different countries. While numerous of these wind farms are positioned on dry land additional research is being conducted to assist the evolution of offshore wind farms. Offshore farms could benefit from the more frequent and stronger winds that blow on the open sea. In the recent past some nations have begun to create very promising wind farms along their coastal borders. If the implementation of wind power continues to progress wind energy could very well become one of our most important energy sources. Nevertheless, to 100% satisfy every single one of our current and future electricity requirements exclusively with alternative renewable energy we need more advanced technologies.

How To Make Solar Panel

Before we start talking about how to build solar panel I would like to point out the following fact. All live needs energy to develop and in our case that energy comes from the sun. The sunlight is necessary for plants to grow and the warmth is necessary to have liquid water. In other words, it is hard to imagine life without the energy coming from the sun.. So, why don't we make more usage of this free solar energy in our daily lives, for example, as residential solar power?

Most of the appliances that we use in our homes on a daily basis are powered with electricity that is generated by burning fossil fuels. If we look around us we can see plenty of evidence of the harm the constant burning of fossil fuels has done to all of us and this world. So, why do we resist the change to satisfy our energy need with residential solar power instead of fossil fuels?

One of the main reasons is the fact, that residential solar power technology, i.e. the equipment we need to install to harness and convert solar power into electricity is very expensive. A very large number of home owners interested in using solar power don't do so because of the high initial cost involved with buying a pre-made system.. Furthermore, most people don't know how to make solar panel themselves. Fortunately, we all have a choice how to benefit from residential solar power.

In my daily live I am always teaching people how to make solar panel in a simple and cost-effective way so that everybody can start benefiting from solar energy without spending a fortune. The best way to start building your own solar panel is by studying the core ideas first. In this publication examine photovoltaic generators and you will learn how to build solar panel that generate electricity. When you are able to build this simple solar cells you can start building solar cells that are capable of powering different appliances in your home.

There are different ways in which solar energy can be harnessed in a household. Currently, there are two technologies most commonly used: Solar thermal technology to heat up water and solar photovoltaic cells to generate electricity.

Many people who want to learn how to build solar panel are not aware of the difference between these two types of solar technology. In this chapter on how to make solar panel our main focus will be on photovoltaic cells.

Let's start with the materials that you need to make your own solar panel. You should ensure the following items are present before you continue: sufficient working space, a copper sheet about half a square foot big, a pair of sheet metal shears, an electric drill with a wire brush or some sand paper, safety glasses, a stove (over 1000 watts), 2 teaspoons of table salt and some tap water.

Please note, that in this how to build solar panel tutorial we will focus on building a photovoltaic cell that works well enough to demonstrate the principle behind it.

To start with, the copper sheet needs to be cut into 2 pieces that are large|big|ample|sizable|wide] enough to fit on on top of the stove plate. Next, after you have cleansed your fingers you need to remove any grease and other lubricate from one of the pieces of copper. When you have done that make use of the sandpaper or wire brush to also take away any traces of corrosion and any remaining of sulphide. Position the dirt free and dried copper piece on top of the switched on cooker (hottest setting) and keep it there until it turns black. This could take a short moment and your oven could be red hot during this process. As the black coating must change to be really deep after the copper has changed black you have to carry on heating it for an added half an hour. After this leave the copper on the electric stove to let it cool off bit by bit after you have shut it down. Please note that it is crucial for the copper to cool down bit by bit since if not the black oxide will stay attached to the copper.

While the copper is cooling down it shrinks at a different speed to the oxide. The copper and the oxide are starting to become separated as a result of the difference in shrinking speed. As a result of this flaking off process some pieces of oxide will actually be thrown a few inches into the air. When 20 minutes are up the copper will probably have lost most of its' heat and a large portion of the oxide will have already fallen off. In order to clean the copper more thoroughly I recommend you use your hands and some running water. Don't scrub the copper too much to avoid substantial damage. Simply wash it carefully and if you cannot remove all black spots that is ok..
You have now completed the first step in our how to build solar panel tutorial and produced a cuprous oxide coated copper plate. The last stage of the experiment how to make solar panel can be completed in a few minutes.

After you have finished cleaning the cuprous oxide coated copper plate take the empty plastic bottle and cut off the top so that you are left with a cylindrically shaped container. The treated and the untreated copper sheet must not touch each other when you now place them both inside the plastic bottle. Next, stir the hot tab water and pour in 2 tablespoons of salt (table). Keep stirring to fully dissolve the salt. Now add the saltwater to the container until an inch of copper remains outside the water.

And there you have it: you have successfully completed the process of how to make solar panel and produced your very first own solar photovoltaic cell.

You can now move the cell into sunlight and electricity will automatically be generated.

Now that you have a working prototype you better understand the technology involved with photovoltaic cells and solar panels. At SolarPanelWindTurbine(dot)com you can find the ultimate guide on how to build solar panel for your home.Follow this primary guide to make solar panel at home and to benefit from savings on your electricity charges.

Renewable Solar Energy

Organizations often try to motivate people with financial rewards. They penalize undesired behavior. Monetary difficulties also cause home owners to take actions. A large number of households is changing to renewable solar energy to heat their solar power home. Alternative solar energy, however, is only one of many different types of renewable energy. Geothermal energy is also constantly replenished.

Having said that, the solar power home is currently the most widely used alternative energy model. These buildings use solar thermal collectors and photovoltaic technology to take advantage of renewable solar energy.

The principle of solar thermal collectors is rather simple. To generate alternative solar energy the collectors are first placed in the sunlight. The liquid that runs inside the collectors is warmed up. In the next step the hot water is being stored temporarily. The consumer can choose between numerous types of collectors. You have the choice between unglazed panels and flat plate water collectors. That depends on the requirements for your solar power home system

Unglazed panels lack sufficient insulation. As a consequence they can only produce small amounts of energy. They are usually used to heat up the swimming pool. With this device the water can be heated up slightly. Flat plate water collectors have an improved insulation. They have a higher efficiency rate converting renewable solar energy. The better insulation of flat plate water collectors is achieved with panels that use either single or double glazing. This enables them to be used as a hot water supply.

Flat plate air collectors and evacuated tube collectors are examples of other less commonly used solar thermal collectors. They won't be covered in this article. Many books and magazines are available on this topic. They can help you to get started.

Photovoltaic cells are another technology that is often used to harness alternative solar energy in a solar power home. A photovoltaic power source can be found on most modern calculators. These containers harness the light from the sun to generate electricity. This technology is developing very rapidly and the market is growing quickly. The power generated by photovoltaic technology is strong enough to run the coffee machine or the toaster. It is strong enough to heat your home. Photovoltaic cells are very effective in generating electrical energy. Using this technology in addition to other types of technology, e.g. wind energy technology we can achieve a significant shift away from fossil fuels.

The next challenge that any solar power home has to overcome is the storage of energy. Renewable solar energy requires direct sunlight. But how do we power our homes at night times. The problem therefore is how to store alternative solar energy. Solar energy can then be harnessed during the day and consumed during the night. Once we have solved this problem solar energy is a viable alternative to fossil fuels. Without this independence we cannot build a greener future.

Today, an array of technology is already available. Most houses can be upgraded into solar power home with only very little effort. Alternative solar energy collectors and cells only use ingredients that you can find in any hardware outlet. The process of putting the materials together can easily be done at home. If you are planning to build or buy a new home why not look out for one that already uses renewable solar energy. This will help to improve our planet. It will also increase the value of your home and save you money on your electricity bill.

Green Renewable Energy

Producing electricity by burning fossil fuels has many negative side effects. Colossal quantities of catastrophic gasses are being disposed of into the air. Huge amounts of solid waste are being produced. These effects are extremely harmful to our health and our environment. Because of this damage more and more people have turned to  green renewable energy. The number of people who are recycling their waste is increasing constantly. Less plastic bags are being consumed and people look for renewable electricity.

Fossil fuel resources are limited by nature. The only way to solve our energy problem is to produce renewable electricity. Solar and wind power as well as marine and geothermal energy are seen as such renewable green energy sources. They are called green because they lack negative environmental or health side effects. Since they recharge themselves they are named green renewable energy sources.

Renewable green energy technologies based on solar and wind energy are currently the most developed. This might be because they are so generally available. Marine and geothermal technology is not yet ready to be used to generate renewable electricity. Eventually we have no other option but to move to green renewable energy. Fossil fuel based energy should be a thing of the past.

Solar energy is definitely the most popular type of renewable green energy. Many of us have probably heard of electronic calculators that use solar energy instead of a battery. The photovoltaic cells are providing the energy the calculator needs. Every cell uses the sunlight to produce electricity. Providing hot water at home is just one of many ways in which solar energy can be used. Scientists named this device a thermal or solar collector. The first person to apply for a patent for this gadget was Horace de Saussine. It is not unusual anymore, to see this technology on houses and garages. These proprietors are able to have their own home-made renewable green energy.

The usage of green renewable energy systems is already evident in many countries worldwide. When traveling to other countries like Japan and Israel you can experience first hand how households are benefiting from solar collectors. This technology can still be further developed in the United Sates. Many researchers are convinced that solar power offers the best possibilities.

Wind energy is the second most popular form of green renewable energy. In many different countries renewable electricity is generated by over 20,000 wind turbines. Provided that the wind is blowing consistently enough wind energy could easily become a major renewable green energy source. Wind based power also has the label green because they don't produce any disastrous vapors. Wind energy as a means to generate renewable electricity is no doubt growing faster than other types of energy generation. The United States are holding the top spot in this field with Europe a close second.

Renewable Energy Technology

Why is there so much buzz about renewable energy technology? Why is everybody searching for sources of renewable energy? This planet is undergoing massive changes. We need to react to this change. The change we talk about here relates to the way in which we produce and use energy. It is evident by now that we can no longer depend on an energy source that has already caused drastic harm to our health and nature. We need to find renewable energy sources.

For many years governments believed that nuclear power could provide the answer. Huge amounts of money have been and still are invested into this technology. However, we have seen by now that compared to fossil fuels nuclear power generates at least as many problems. We need to find other sources of renewable energy.

Renewable energy technology has come a long way in the last few years. We now can see various forms of clean and green energy. Solar energy uses the power of the sun while wind turbines generate electricity from wind. Each of these renewable energy sources has their own advantages and challenges. However, one country alone cannot provide the solution to our energy crisis. Therefore, we need an international solution to implementing sources of renewable energy.

In the US the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), a faculty of the US Department of Energy (DOE) is conducting research and development in a number of different areas all related to renewable energy technology.

Private money is also starting to flow into the sector of renewable energy technology. This technology may well become what computers and mobile phones were in the previous decade. What was once a minority issue has now become mainstream..

But for things to really change we all need to cooperate. It is actually surprisingly simple to harness these sources of renewable energy for our everyday activities. Many types of renewable energy technology are already on the market. You can start by implementing solar powered outdoor lighting. You could run some of your household appliances using solar energy. Renewable energy sources are free once you installed the necessary equipment.

We must accept that there is no other alternative. We have less and less fossil fuels available. The health of people and the environment have already been harmed massively.
Of course, our society cannot function without energy. But what good does this energy do if we don't have air to breathe or food to eat. To achieve both we have no other choice but to opt for renewable energy sources.

We need to develop renewable energy technology if we want to take advantage of these sources of renewable energy. If every single person adds their small flow we can end up with a very big stream.

Build Wind Turbine

There are a number of reasons why alternative wind energy could become an important energy source in the future.

Oil prices are rising all the time. Fossil fuels might not be available to us for much longer. It is also clear to us now that burning fossil fuels releases too many harmful gases into the atmosphere. We can even see massive changes in our climate today. Using coal instead of oil is certainly also no viable alternative. We need to develop clean ways to generate our electricity, e.g. using renewable wind energy.

To solve our energy problem most nations worldwide need to work hand in hand. The amount of fossil fuels burned or consumed by each country is certainly different. Economically more advanced countries have already implemented more renewable energy technology. Countries like India and China, that are still in a developmental phase need to take more actions as their countries are contributing a significant amount to the overall problem.

We need to take action to stop our planet from becoming more polluted. Instead, we must cooperate and quickly implement cleaner energy technology and sources. Our experience so far suggests that renewable wind energy as well as solar power could be 2 viable alternatives. These types of energy can all be used to generate electricity in an environmentally friendly way and at a global scale.

To benefit from these green energy sources certain requirements must be fulfilled. Renewable wind energy, for example, requires the occurrence of wind, hopefully strong and frequent winds. Germany and Denmark have already got some years of experience in using alternative wind energy. Countries with a large shoreline are more suitable for the building of large wind farms.

While winds are strong near the coastline they are even stronger offshore. Experts suggest to build wind turbine farms there. More wind means more energy. However, building a wind farm offshore is rather difficult. Each turbine needs to be installed from the bottom of the sea upwards to the surface. This makes each turbine much more expensive. The extra costs might be compensated for by the higher amount of energy than can be generated.

We can expect the efficiency of wind energy technology to further increase in the future. With every decrease in production costs the interest in alternative wind energy increases. Sven Sigaard, president and CEO of Vestas Wind Systems (Denmark) believes that once it is possible to build wind turbine farms close enough to the shore line and with technology that is efficient enough the kilowatt/hour price can compete with other forms of energy.

In Denmark windmills have been used for centuries to provide electricity for the Danish industry. Based on this background, Mr. Sigaard's opinion is certainly worth noticing.

A Look At Solar Energy Advantages And Disadvantages Before You Learn How To Build Solar Panel

Solar energy is the topic of this report. We are interested in all the major solar energy advantages but we will also pay close attention to any disadvantages of solar energy. Only when you know both sides should you decide whether or not to learn how to build solar panel to power your home.

For another great article on building your own solar panel at home take a look at How to Build Solar Panel.

Using the power of the sun as a source of energy is not a new idea. But, during the last 11 decades the concept was just that: a concept. Instead, energy was produced using fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are a limited resource and stock levels are already low. Suddenly, solar energy is becoming more interesting again. Learning how to build solar panel suddenly is becoming a very popular topic.

If you are looking for an awesome free site on solar energy advantages and all sorts of other free solar energy information then see Solar Energy and its Advantages.

When comparing to fossil fuels solar energy advantages are very apparent. It took millions of years to create our fossil fuel reserves while solar energy is being replenished every day. Solar energy is also easily accessible for us. We only need to collect it and then we can start using it straight away.

Let's now look at some solar energy advantages that derive from the same principle. While during the consumption of fossil fuels harmful gases such as Sulphur Dioxide develop this is not the case with solar energy. Therefore, solar energy is being seen as a clean source of energy. This is a very important advantage considering the massive damage our century long burning of fossil fuels has caused to our health and this planet as a whole. The switch to such a clean form of energy could also very well lead to lower health costs.

Today, solar technology is already much more efficient than it was a couple of decades ago. Let's take silicon cells as an example. In 1982 their conversion efficiency was about 4%. Today, it is about 20%.

The government has designed tax incentives to encourage the implementation of solar technologies. Just think of the 2005 Energy Policy Act. Some countries even offer payments to households that feed self-produced energy into the grid.

In the next part we are going to talk about the disadvantages of solar energy.

We will focus on the major disadvantages of solar energy. Its' current efficiency rate is still too low to compete with fossil fuel based energy. Secondly, it is quite expensive to set up solar technology in the first place. However, you don't have to pay somebody else. You can simply learn how to build solar panel yourself an save a considerable amount of money. Solar energy, once harnessed during daytime needs to be able to be stored for consumption during night time.

Improved technology and higher demands will solves all of these disadvantages of solar energy. As solar technology advances further over time solar energy advantages will become accessible to all of us and many more people will seek to understand how to build solar panel by themselves.

I hope you found this essay helpful and informative. If you are looking for some more great information on the disadvantages of solar energy  check out Solar Energy Disadvantages

Wind Energy Advantages

In the past using wind as a power source was known as one of many wind energy advantages. Windmills were used for many different purposes from graining corn to pumping water and even producing electricity. But, with the industrial revolution came new more popular power sources. Fossil fuels were a more convenient form of energy. Today, we are set to run out of fossil fuels soon and people are becoming more interested in wind technology again and how to build wind turbine machines. In this context we will look at wind energy advantages and their impact on our daily lives. But, in the interest of completeness we will also talk about some of the wind energy disadvantages.
For some top notch tips and tricks on building your wind turbine at home take a look at Instructions to Build Wind Turbines

Let's start our list of wind energy advantages with the fact that wind is a renewable resource that is also freely accessible. Wind is also a “gas-free” energy source, i.e. energy that does not involve the production or release of harmful gases into the atmosphere, such as sulphur dioxide when burning fossil fuels. This could have an overall positive effect on health costs. Furthermore, wind energy does not cause acid rain or other environmental problems.

Some wind energy advantages are so fundamental that our economy is even influenced by them. The expenses to keep wind technology running are very low (which is important for people who want to build wind turbine technology the diy way). Governments are spending to further the development of this industry. This has a positive effect on the overall economy. More businesses open up and more people can find jobs. By working in this industry, however, people also have the satisfaction of knowing that they contribute to a cleaner environment.

Naturally, everything has got two different sides to it. Therefore, we will now look at some wind energy disadvantages that you should also know before you start to build wind turbine technology yourself.

For more great  in-depth information and advice on wind energy disadvantages and advantages and practical tips and tricks regarding wind energy check out Wind Energy Disadvantages

One of the major wind energy disadvantages is certainly noise emission. Here, we are not referring to small turbines used for private households but rather to large wind turbine farms. These farms can produce a massive noise level. But the noise is not the only problem. These wind farms can also be harmful to animals living in the area. Thirdly, wind farms cannot just be build anywhere. They require vast amounts of free open land that also has to be located close enough to cities to make it economical. Land like that is hard to find or very expensive. Finally, many people don't want to live near wind farms as they are considered to be ugly.

While these disadvantages of wind energy mainly relate to wind farms there are a couple of drawbacks of a more general nature. Firstly, wind does not always blow with the same strength. Sometimes it blows stronger, sometimes weaker. On the other hand our energy needs are of a more consistent nature. We need electricity whether the wind is blowing or not. Then, there is the considerable financial commitment that one needs to make to start a new wind technology system. However, you can avoid these high costs when you build wind turbine technology yourself.

It is good to know, however, that sooner or later we will overcome these disadvantages of wind energy. With time wind energy technology will dramatically improve in efficiency and price and wind energy advantages will outweigh the negatives. This might then lead to more people wanting to build wind turbine technology for their homes, too.

We are at the end of the article and I hope you enjoyed reading it. If you want to discover more secrets about the advantages of solar energy and tips and tricks how you too can benefit from wind power  take a look at Wind Energy Advantages

Renewable Electricity

Producing electricity by burning fossil fuels has many negative side effects. Gigantic piles of risky fumes are being discharged into the atmosphere. Huge amounts of solid waste are being produced. Those byproducts are destroying our health and our planet. Because of this damage more and more people have turned to  green renewable energy. Today, an increasing number of people is also recycling waste. Less plastic bags are being consumed and people look for renewable electricity.

Fossil fuel resources are limited by nature. Renewable electricity is the only tool we have to meet the current energy challenge. Solar and wind power as well as marine and geothermal energy are seen as such renewable green energy sources. They are described as green to indicate that they are less harmful to our planet than fossil fuel based energy. They are described as green renewable energy sources based on the fact that they renew themselves all the time.

Renewable green energy technologies based on solar and wind energy are currently the most developed. This follows from the fact that basically sun and wind energy can be harnessed in any country. As interesting as geothermal and marine energy are as a source for renewable electricity they definitely have to be developed much further before they can become a really viable alternative. However, if you think about it, green renewable energy is the only sustainable solution. We have to eliminate any further fossil fuel consumption.

Solar energy is definitely the most popular type of renewable green energy. Calculators that use daylight are a familiar occurrence to all of us. They generate their energy from photovoltaic cells. These cells convert the sunlight into electric current. These days, even hot water can be provided using solar energy. This technology is called solar collector or thermal collector. The first one to patent this solar device was Horace de Saussine. This technology has really taken off and you can see it on many houses. That way the owners can really save money using free renewable green energy.

The usage of green renewable energy systems is already evident in many countries worldwide. In countries such as Japan and Israel a large number of households is using solar collectors. This technology has the potential to be further developed in the United States. However, many scientists see solar power as the future.

Wind energy is the second most popular form of green renewable energy. Renewable electricity based on wind energy is being harnessed all over the world. Renewable green energy based on wind energy definitely has great potential for all those countries with vast wind resources. Electricity produced from wind also qualifies as green as the production is free of damaging gases. Wind energy is the type of renewable electricity generation that develops the fastest. The industry is being lead by the United States followed by Europe.